Using MP3 function

Started by bobankr, January 16, 2008, 11:19:59 PM


I just started using the MBR this week and it's great there's a forum like this because I'm more than a little lost simply trying to get MP3s to play.  I've tried 3 different SD cards including the one included with the MBR.  I've initialized each one and they aren't locked. I can see the files after I download them on my computer.  the MBR  plays Big Dance fine but when I put files into the folder and download from my computer, I get a NO FILE error message using the MP3/trainer function.  The files are WAV files ripped from audio CD's 128 kbps and play fine on my MP3 player.  I've been through the manual a few times thinking I must be either missing something critical or I am uncommonly stupid (which may well be the case!) or there's a bug in the machine, which I doubt.  So, helpful Admin...what gives here before I go crazy???!!!@#$%^ Thanks.


Hello there bobankr and welcome!

Are those .WAV files 8, 16 bit, or are they 32bit? And what about the sample rate, is it 44.1 kHz? Micro BR is only compatible with 44.1 kHz, 8 or 16 bit, mono or stereo .WAV files. You can check if your files are compatible by pressing right-click on the .WAV then choosing summary.

Try to convert those .WAV files to 128kbps MP3. There is also another problem related to Mac's. Are you using a Macintosh?


Thanks, I tried that and it comes up 44khz, 16bit, 128kbps in Windows Media Player.  I'm not on a MAC, just a Dell D600 laptop. 

I don't get it.  It seems so simple in the manual, I follow the directions and I get NO FILE.  Either there's a defect in me or in the BR.  I'll try to write to the 128 MB card that came with it.  Maybe it will work this time.  What am I missing?  I keep thinking it's something fundamental that I'm leaving out.   Any ideas?  Is there any tech support for it I could call? 


Are you putting the file in the /MP3 folder?


Yes indeed.  I see two folders, Roland and MP3 and I put them in the latter.


Quote from: bobankr on January 17, 2008, 08:01:15 PMI don't get it.  It seems so simple in the manual, I follow the directions and I get NO FILE.

Which directions are you following? (what page in the manual?)

All you need to do is copy the MP3 files from your computer to the MP3 folder of the Micro BR. Then follow the directions on page 34 of the Micro BR manual.

For the error message "No File!", the manual says:

Cause: The file you are trying to import with MP3/WAV import was not found.
Solution: Have the file you want to import ready in the MP3 folder.

You shouldn't be trying to import anything. Just follow the directions on page 34.

QuoteIs there any tech support for it I could call? 

In the U.S., call 323-890-3741.

In the U.K., call +44 (0) 1792 702701.
Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


I have re-inserted the original 128 MB card that came with the BR.  I loaded 40 MB of WAV files into the MP3 folder on that card.  I can see those files and can even play those files from the BR through my computer in Windows Media.  So the files are there. 

When I follow the directions on p. 34, switching into MP3 mode, I see Big Dance only.  When I try to move the cursor, it toggles between OO1 and 100% as it should but when the cursor is on 001 and I try to  + or - the value, nothing happens:  001 BIG DANCE. M just stays lit.  It's like the BR isn't reading any of the other files in the MP3 folder.  Maybe it's defective.   Can you think of anything to try?  I'm really getting sick of Big Dance, y'know....


Strange. Have you tried it with some MP3 files instead of WAV files? Try some of the songs from the "Post your work" section on this forum:

These were created on the Micro BR so they should play. See if they appear when the cursor's on "001" and you press VALUE [-]/[+] buttons. Let us know.

I know it should work with WAV files too but let's try some MP3s first then see where we go from there.
Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


OK, OK...mystery solved!  Whoops, my bad. You guys are great - thanks a lot for your input but now I know what's wrong. Me!  I'm an audiofile idiot, but at least now I know what I didn't know, like distinguishing between MP3, WAV and WMA files.  I was trying to force WMA rips into the BR.  Of course it won't do that, just like it says in the manual - only MP3s!!  All my files were default ripped into WMA files and now I have to convert them all into MP3s.  Anybody have a suggestion for a download that will do batch file conversion? 

Again, thanks for your help getting me started on using the BR. I have a long way to go, but then I've come a long way.  (At the tender age of 61 without any audio background I just jumped into digital recording from my analog old dog learning new tricks.  Bow, WOW! ) I think this site is great and the articles really help. More to come....


Quote from: bobankr on January 20, 2008, 08:47:36 AMOK, OK...mystery solved!  Whoops, my bad. You guys are great - thanks a lot for your input but now I know what's wrong. Me!  I'm an audiofile idiot, but at least now I know what I didn't know, like distinguishing between MP3, WAV and WMA files.  I was trying to force WMA rips into the BR.  Of course it won't do that, just like it says in the manual - only MP3s!!  All my files were default ripped into WMA files and now I have to convert them all into MP3s.  Anybody have a suggestion for a download that will do batch file conversion? 

Again, thanks for your help getting me started on using the BR. I have a long way to go, but then I've come a long way.  (At the tender age of 61 without any audio background I just jumped into digital recording from my analog old dog learning new tricks.  Bow, WOW! ) I think this site is great and the articles really help. More to come....

That's awesome, mistery solved finally.

For batch convert to MP3 you can use

I bet you will do great with Micro BR.