PUNKING AWAY.BY Neil Swansnon . cp 2010 BMI

Started by SwanSong, October 24, 2010, 05:28:52 PM


Thanks Nigel
for the great comment. go ahead a rip the bass line off. im not makng any royalities. on
this lo  wish i could . im sure we all do .hey if u can make a whole new song from the
themes of this go for it . i have no gripes this is all for fun ejoyment. tc NEIL


That was a blast.  SwanSong? Really? SlamSong is more like it.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


Thanks again for the kind comments. glad it was up to that classic punk sound.
i wasnot sure about the ending . geez maybe i should turn this into a hey jude
punk song that meanin g  a seven minute plus song  what do u think/

BUT THANKS a grateful appreciation for your support NEIL


Missed this the first time around...

What a great listen.

It's giving me ideas!  Nice work!


Thanks all for the kind feed back . funny how one can miss
a song first time around but will catch 2nd. the magic of music
Cheers Neil.............................................!

Farrell Jackson

Neil you are a punk rocker in a balladeer's clothing, lol. Nice and crunchy chords....the heavy bass line catches my attention. Good start on something that is sure to go somewhere in the capable hands of songcrafters punk rocker members.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?


hi Farrel and thanks. buddy.. appreciate ur thoughtful comment
and beleive it or not i have still not forgotten about our DOORS
cover..just no time. to many things going on. lo but will do soon
CHeers Neil