Under The Tide (Lobster Man's End)

Started by Bluesberry, October 24, 2010, 09:58:40 AM


Under The Tide (Lobster Man's End) (128)
Well, this is the last song in the Lobster man song cycle.  I had one left in me to get out, this one hopefully finishes the story for our Lobster man and his son Lobster Boy.  I can now finally move on to other things... thanks for listening everybody.  Long live Lobster Boy.
Under The Tide (Lobster Man's End)
Recorded on BR-1200 (drums from 1200)
Strat, bass, Godin xtSA & GR-20 for synth/organ bits

So you've all heard the story of Lobster man,
Did you also hear it said that he had a son?
They spread terror far and wide, they were quite a pair.
They'd first steal your heart then your soul,
Take you down to their evil lair.

But then one lonely night, the stars were shining bright.
A memory stirred deep inside,
a time when Lobster man had a bride.
All at once the memories of his life, once a man with a loving wife.
An anguished cry filled the night, the ocean boiled from his might

Lobster Man and Lobster Boy, went up on the beach.
He went looking for his lost soul-mate,
but he feared she was out of reach.
As fate would have it she was found,
A terrible reunion ensued.
She took one look at her husband,
It was too hard to believe, she refused.

But slowly she came around,
tears ran as she dropped to the ground.
She embraced the hard shell of her husband,
Her son lifted her up, helped her stand.
Pain filled her as she grasped the truth,
What was told by the old sayer of sooth.
An anguished cry filled the sky,
I'll follow my love down under the tide.

I've found you at last, now we will never part.
The ocean as our witness, today we'll make a new start.
Take my lobster hand, there's nothing to fear from me.
Today we will renew our love, no more lost souls will I seek.
Our feet left the dry sand, the waves crashed against our side.
With sea creatures as our wedding party,
we were swallowed up by the tide.
Our love burned in our hearts, I felt a change inside me.
The curse was lifted, I was a man once more,
We held tight as we drifted out to sea.

Lobster Boy stood on the beach, wondering what to do.
All at once he dove into the waves,
he had to find his dad and soon.
Now that he was just a man, the ocean would claim its prize.
He feared he had lost him forever,
he cried out as tears filled his eyes.

Legend has it he goes out at night,
when the moon is shining bright.
You can hear his anguished cry,
like a howling wind fills the sky.
Lobster Boy will show no mercy,
when the gales of winter come early.
People haven't seen him in years,
but they say the ocean is filled with his tears.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


A tearjerker for sure!  :'(

I do hope that on the 1 year anniversary of this song, a new chapter will emerge, .....long live lobster boy!!!!!!!

Nice playing and writing BB, love the synth part too, all very well done, a great story, and a good listen.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman

Tony W

Thus telleth the tale of the Lobster man. Fantastic Dave. The music is brilliant. I can't believe that organ was on the GR 20. That Godin must really work well with the thing. How did you do the drums?

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Fantastic "lobster-song" again, Dave! This sounded extremely fine, though you had to reduce the bitrate. Well written and arranged tune, again...and performed! I know you're a great guitarist, but I also loved that bass playing a lot!! Nice tempo changes as well!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann



BB... This F*cking Rules!!!

It Just ticks all the right boxes with me!!!
So many I dont even know why yet!

There isn't one second of this that I find Uninteresting.

A really Epic track bro!!

The Progberry middle is of the Top notch quality which is expected from you and the Lyrics are SU-FuCkInG-PERB!!!!!!

Love it BB!!!


Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  weebly.com  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Cool riffing lobster song !!!!!!!!!!

Fantastic production and performance !!

Love it Dave !!!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


you're the king! fun-tastic song! long live lobster man & son ltd.!
Boss Micro BR


Wonderful Dave, this is great - may be a bit of fun but one of your best. I love all the different parts, and the main verse riff, which is really catchy. Great instrumentation, I suspect a bit of guitar synth on there in places. The vox are great as well - nice and relaxed feel to them and no pitchiness anywhere, a really nice accomplished performance. The whole production hangs together really well, excellent work.

I can hear this playing (especially the bit around 2:32) permanently in the heavenly garden centre as Lobster Boy ascends to take his place alongside Gringo and SToF......

Can we have the lyrics please?




Lyrics now posted...Thank you everybody.  The whole Lobster Man/Lobster Boy thing has been a real hoot for sure, it all started with silly banter on here, and a rather hazy strange day on the beach at PEI during my summer vacation, and some more silly banter on here...It was directly because of the silly banter from this site, the great comradrie on here that inspiration visited me in the form of a large lobster creature.  And then that old pirate his-self Henwrench and his crazy idea for a Piratefest...  The Lobster Man/Boy songs are part of who I am now, I will listen to these songs with great fondness the rest of my life.  Thank you everyone for being so darn inspiring.  You folks are my muse.

Tony, about the drums, I process the basic internal drumm machine sound with reverb and delay and my Boss Space echo pedal. Plus I blend in a few of the kits into one stereo track, hard, basic and jazz.  I mix this all up into one stereo track for the final drums.  I will write up a more detailed summary when I get a little more time.  I think they are coming out pretty good lately (the 1200 drums)

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand