Star Gazing ..Original Movie Score Music. by Neil Swanson .cp 2010 . B.M.I

Started by SwanSong, October 18, 2010, 05:28:21 PM


Star Gazing by Neil Swanson cp 2010 ..
This project over all took over eight hours of comprehensive arranging editing mixng and
special effects. , with using aproximately 18 sepreate tracks., for the mixing finalizing
and mix downs. some of u may know i am entering these peices into the contest for
MTV S. "SKINS"..a movie to b released next year filmed in Egland. they are looking speciafically
for this kind of music and a few other genders. so i hope u like it . wish me luck as i
really hope someday to do some sort of movie score. but one never knows. all they can
do is try thier best and wait .thanks for listening NEIL ..


"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


I love how you handle the orchestra. Great mixing as well, it all sounds like a good soundtrack shall sound, what can i say.


Thanks kenneth and halem for thekind words. i felt i could have had more of
a build up and more chromatic change.s but appreciate your comment on
the orchrestration parts. and kens comments , as always the best NEIL
AND thanks for the encouragment re MTV CONTEST. will keep u posted.
when annoucement is made in december. !


Hey sounds cool to me . I could really see this fitting into a film sound track. Best of luck :)
He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy!


Good luck Neil. Your score sounds very professional and it's so impressive you created it in 8 hours. I'm sure it would take me months to create a score you've created if I had the right equitment. You sure do and you display real skill so I have no doubt you'll achieve what you are hoping for. I think this style of music is popular for BBC programmes about our past and some movies are using this kind of music so yours has great possibilities. I like the way it develops but the very start already creates a very special atmosphere.


Thanks songwriter for the gracious comment and in depth
very good interpetation . i 2 feel the same way as u and
feel i have potential . but who know s what sin our future.
but again thanks now it will b up to the judges  TC NEIL


You are very welcome Neil, just wrote what I heard in your music :)
Again, good luck with it. Do you also write lyrics? I can see you are paying with words in a way I'd never even thought was possible.


Thanks Nadia
yes i can write poetry . and have but never set to music . ususally i have
others do that if interest ed  contact me thanks NEIL


Thank you Neil. I don't know why but either I compose music to someone else's lyrics or I write a lyric and don't compose music to it although I have some songs with my music and lyrics I composed in the past. These days I compose instrumentals mostly but I do compose songs with other songwriters. I like collaborating :)