The Rats (death metal)

Started by Donna D, October 09, 2010, 06:51:08 AM

Donna D

Gentlemen, thank you all for giving this a listen, and for your kind comments.  ;)

"Death Metal Queen"? Naw, not really.  ;D  I'm "tame and serene" as Johnbee observed.  :D

I love the challenge of writing in different genres, even when it's music I wouldn't normally listen to. Thus far, I've done three metal songs with Peter (who's an incredibly talented guitarist).
I might post another one later. It's a little more accessible, with actual singing and a melody.  :D

Kenneth, by all means, have a go at "The Biggest Sale in Town" (the Wal-Mart song).  ;)

Honour the earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Life is too important to take seriously.


That was some interesting music, Marty! ;D

I dig this, because I just burned 200 calories listening to it! I think the lyrics fit the song, so you did quite well I think.

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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