What's Better Left Unseen (Prog-rock/Latin influence)

Started by Donna D, October 06, 2010, 07:29:24 AM

Donna D

Anyone read - or remember - Carlos Castaneda? He spoke/wrote of "the crack between the worlds".
This is prog-rockish, so a little over the 6-minute mark.  ;)

Music/melody/arrangement/instrumentation: Billy Playle (UK)
Vocals: Gerry Casey (Ireland)
Lyrics: Donna Devine


Better Left Unseen

I was driving to Sonora
When I felt the right front go
The desert is no place to be
When the sun is sinking low
Then I saw a woman drawing near
Her movements feline, slow
Like a vision from the twilight zone
But how was I to know

It was neither day nor night
But the time that intervenes
When the heart begins to ache
For the love it didn't take
And the crack between the worlds
Reveals what's better left unseen

Every instinct said to run
But where was I to flee?
I stepped from the car and trembled
As she stopped in front of me
Her golden eyes were glowing bright
With fierce intensity
Then a shimmering light around her
Was all that I could see

It was neither day nor night
But the time that intervenes
When the heart begins to ache
For the love it didn't take
And the crack between the worlds
Reveals what's better left unseen

With a glance she bade me follow
To a small shack in the distance
Although sure it wasn't there before
I offered no resistance
Her tawny skin was radiant
Her musky scent persistent
Her nails were claws on my naked back
Her hungry mouth insistent

A long time later, at early dawn
I found myself at the car again
When I looked around
The shack was gone
But every nerve in my body screamed
For cougar eyes that glinted green

It was neither day nor night
But the time that intervenes
When the heart begins to ache
For the love it didn't take
And the crack between the worlds
Reveals what's better left unseen

© 2009 Donna Devine (lyrics)/ Billy Playle (music/arrangement)/ Gerry Casey (vocals)
Honour the earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Life is too important to take seriously.


Wow! Just a wonderful tune - I like this latin wibe! Donna - you write real fine lyrics!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Hi...Great lyrics and a mighty fine song. Interesting singer, like the colour in his voice...
super Donna:)
Refreshing talent appearing here...keep them coming..


This is musics of a proper country. More latin than Ricky Martin, and more prog than that mad Bluesberry. Ole.

Tangled Wires

Super cool song,love that vocal and some mighty fine lyrics too.

You have even got Gringo's seal of approval, who can be a harsh critic.

Boss Micro BR


This is excellent.  I can see this over the end title to Tarantino's Dusk Till Dawn.  Impeccable production.

How did you get Carlos Santana to play in person?
Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter


Great song and Spanish vibe. Very Carlos feeling to it...It should make Gringo's Mustache dance

Great musicianship and beauty lyrics Donna! ;)
Boss BR-80


I flipping love this Donna.  Great lyrics, seriously.  Castenada, yeah, I was into those books at one time for sure, feels like another lifetime ago, who wasn't.  Crazy stuff.  That singer is wild, wild, wild.  This could be on a Robbie Robertson album for sure.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


I hear a Santana vibe to this as well.
The singer has a tremendous vox!
This is so talented, so fresh, so wonderful!
With this and your others as well, i must say that you have
brought a new refreshing and entertaining talent to our
little community here.
Here's to your contributions so far!
And may they just be in their infancy....

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!

Donna D

Kari, Nick, Gringo, Andrew, Nick, Gnasty, Bluesberry, and LG, thank you so much for your wonderfully kind comments.  :) I'm thrilled you enjoyed the song. Billy and Gerry are incredibly talented, and a joy to work with.

By the same token, talent abounds on Songcrafters as well. I hope I'll soon have the opportunity to collaborate with some of you here.  ;)

Honour the earth. Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Life is too important to take seriously.