Ripples (jazzy ballad)

Started by stoman, September 26, 2010, 10:13:06 AM


A super slick production - Very nice!  I like how there were a lot of participants in this collaboration, and it all still turned out beautifully.

Welcome, and I hope to hear more.

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Tony W

Fantastic piece of music right here Steffen. This does create a wonderful atmosphere. The production is amazing. All in all, a top shelf piece of music. I'm better for hearing it.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


You are all much too kind! Thank you for the great comments!

Donna, I just added the lyrics to the first post, as requested. Sorry, I did not have them at hand when I posted the song.

I'm glad you did not misunderstand my comments on your song. I know I often don't find the right words to say what I really mean because of the language barrier (I've always lived in Germany, and have only learned English at school).

Re your question: The piano, the e-pianos and the organ were done by myself using VST plugins (and exporting the tracks as audio files). The other parts were sent to me as WAV, FLAC or APE files by the musicians whose names you can find in my first post. I usually do not record other musicians at my home (I did that once on a song I'll post shortly, but I don't have a good recording environment yet).

All mixing and mastering is done on my Windows 7 PC using Cubase 5 (that's the only thing I do with Windows - for everyday usage I have my Linux PC).

Please keep in mind that I'm just an amateur like most members here, and the pros may not agree with how I do it. But if you are interested in my work flow and in the techniques I (mostly) use, I can try to write it down and post it somewhere or send it to you in a PM. May take a couple of days though as I'll be out of town Friday - Sunday.

Or if you have concrete questions you want to ask, just do that! :)

How about making a song together?



This is a top notch, tender hotel lobby ballad! Outstanding production and arrangement!


WOW!  Fantastic!!

Great Playing and Such a Great voice you have!

JIM from Jersey
Now on SoundClick and Reverbnation
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Many thanks, Sandy and Jim!

Jim, I wish I could sing. But this isn't me singing - I'm only the composer/arranger/mixer. You can find all the credits in the first post. The singer is James Ryce, a great country singer. This was the first time for him doing a non-country piece.



...James has a mighty fine voice...
What mic does he use??
Wonderful arrangement and feel:)))


Thanks, Nick - also for being the only one (so far) to listen to "My Eyes Are The Only Ones You See". :)

I don't know which equipment James has. I met him at another collaboration site, but he hasn't been online for quite some time.



Steffen, this sounds pretty good to me. I'm sure you could tweak it a bit (perhaps a little more guitar at times?) but it works for me as it is - it's got a nice fresh feel to it. I didn't hear any major timing issues, but I am no expert musician. Perhaps the vox get a little quiet when they come back in at about 3:07 but I am being really picky here, the overall feel is great. I really like the guitar that comes in about 3:40, nice stereo effect.



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


Wow, smooth jazz, candle light and wine!   Great mix, to my ears, and great performance and piano work!

"Sometimes It's Not How Fast You Move, But How Soon You Get There" - Bruce Lee

Tools: Kramer Strat, LP Deluxe, Avalon 12-string, Ibanez Bass, Yamaha Keyboard, Micro BR, Riffworks, Line 6 UX2, & a little Ableton & Audacity for grins :~)