Sweet Insanity - mr2kewl Original

Started by mr2kewl, September 26, 2010, 06:07:24 AM


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this erupted while wandering around last night.


maybe, it was just a careless slip into the deep dark crevasse on my own.

thanks for listening to whatever may have caused this.


"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

wandering aimlessly around as: Mr2Kewl - The Kewl Trio - Mr2Kewl Quartet and The Total Chaos Orchestra


Massive soundscape, the chorus guitar is so moody, really enjoyed the listen.
Boss BR-80


Another very expressive piece.
What a well of creativity.
You never cease to amaze.
It reminds me of music that a dance troop would perform to.
Just Brilliant.

Boss BR-600


thanks for taking the time to listen to my wanderings.

the explanation for the finger style on this song is that i was still under the influence of sitting a mere 30' (10 meters for the metrics) from Leo Kottke the night before. my wife, who bought tickets for my b-day and i saw the legend at a small venue at the Woodstock Opera House in Woodstock, Illinois.

i did add a heavy dose of the Sub Octaves effect in my Line 6 GearBox to keep in line with my quirkiness.

on a side note, you might see the Woodstock Opera House in Woodstock in the Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(film) which is on the square where the movie was filmed.

thanks again for listening

"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

wandering aimlessly around as: Mr2Kewl - The Kewl Trio - Mr2Kewl Quartet and The Total Chaos Orchestra