'Bones and All'

Started by Greeny, October 13, 2008, 03:12:58 AM


Quote from: Bluesberry on October 21, 2008, 04:51:15 AMReally nice work.  Your sound is very clear, I really like that.  The guitar sounds very good.  I have plugged my seagull into the microBR but haven't liked the sound (too shrill), so I usually just record into the onboard mike so far.  Your guitar sound is perfect.  I will have to try this technique.
  As for Bass, I just bought one a couple of weeks ago.  I know what you are saying, very different than guitar.  What I have found is to not concentrate on scales but think about the chord being played and play the root, fifth and third mainly (can throw in 2 and 6 for flavor), arpeggios of the chord as they are being played sounds pretty good.  Also try to play the bass mainly on the 1 and 3 beat, the 2 and 4 is for the drummer (backbeat).  I have only just started fooling around with it but this seems to work out pretty good IMHO.  Just my "beginners Bass players" opinion.  Your excellent songwriting really is inspiring me, thank you.

Thankyou - that really means a lot. I only started playing live 3 years ago (I'm 41 now), and it had a profound effect on my songwriting. I wasn't writing for myself anymore, but how the song would sound projected to an audience. It improved me in so many ways (how I sing, how I structure the song, how to concentrate on stripped-back quality rather than effects and trickery...). And then I came on here, and suddenly found myself wanting to raise the bar even further. Just listening to the talent and sheer musical ability on this thread has made me want to try even harder. Not because it's a competition, but because I find it so inspiring to listen to and collaborate with such great musicians.

Slowly getting my head around the bass...!  :)

Flash Harry

Tim, this is another fantastic track. I love the sound you have got and it moves along really nicely. Great stuff.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


this one passed me by tim, just getting round to hearing it another belter, there is so much to hear at this site but it is dead easy too miss stuff when you have been away from the pc.

flash you have a lot of catching up to do, hope you had a good holiday.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Flash Harry

Had a fantastic holiday thanks and I have a lot of catching up to do.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Being a "newbie" (not that there's anything wrong with that), I'm going back and listening to some stuff posted before I joined.  This one is really good, and stands out in my opinion (which is again very humble).  I'm putting this one on my iPod as well.  Which is good, because I'm not spending near as much $ on iTunes now.  Thanks.

"Honest honey, this is the last guitar I'll ever buy"


Uh!! i think i've losed my job  ;D

Cool song and playing as ever Tim!

Be confident playing that bass! just play strong, the most noticeable about a begginer is the lack of security, play hard with fingers or pick, not a matter of notes qty, i always think this: less finger but more in-time and consistent.

Saludos desde Argentina!!!
Music, music and three times music!!!

Boss BR-80
Cakewalk SONAR


Quote from: Prive on November 05, 2008, 07:09:48 PMUh!! i think i've losed my job  ;D

Cool song and playing as ever Tim!

Be confident playing that bass! just play strong, the most noticeable about a begginer is the lack of security, play hard with fingers or pick, not a matter of notes qty, i always think this: less finger but more in-time and consistent.

Saludos desde Argentina!!!

You haven't lost your job! I'm just saving your special skills for certain songs - where I really need to get all the parts right. This isn't one of my best songs - more of an 'album track' - so I was happy to cover everything myself.

But I'll be needing your bass and hammond talents quite soon for something I'm working on...  ;)


the on this day player is bring up some gold fropm the archives
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann

Kevin Mammoth

nice bump ORH - there I was thinking it was Greeny's latest.  The thread is a good read too, Greeny talking about learning his new bass  - now he is quite the gun player!  Oh yes, nice tune as well...
Boss BR-1600

There are only 12 notes, how hard can it be?....


Right from the 60s. Nice one!
