The secret to recording a very loud band rehearsal

Started by hewhoiscalledj, October 09, 2008, 01:29:34 PM


Ive bookmarked this topic and used it for reference to record my buddy's band. Im using the Sony mic from Ebay thats popular around here, it seems to work nicely. And Ive even taken notes for the tracks that Ive recorded, so Im able to see my mistakes.
One problem Im having is balancing the input and sensitivity to keep it from going "OVER"...but when I do so you can barely hear the recording.
At some points I had the input at 45 and the sensitivity at -12 and sometimes -14 to keep the "over" from popping up.
From what Ive gathered, I should have the input down low and the sensitivity as high as I can without it going "over"???
Or should it tap "over" every once and again??

Lastly, Im recording dry...but havent had any luck adding the effects afterwards, what am I missing? 


OK, so since I keep using this topic as reference to get me started recording live music, Ive been recording my buddies loud ass band fro the last two weeks and figured Id share my findings.

Turns out you DONT want to sellect "EXT"(external) for the the Sony mic when recording a loud band...doing so will have you lowering the input down to nothing and your "Sns"(sensitivity) to -12 to -15 trying to keep "OVER" from popping up...and the recording will be undesireable.

I found that if you use "LIN"(line) its not as sensitive as external and the recording turns out much much better! I was able to leave my input level at 100% and then the sensitivity between +2 and +4...and it never tapped "over".

I also learned(the hard way) to leave the "Sns"(sensitivity) alone during the it pretty much drops the recording levels all together, and there is no volume, youre may as well hit stop and rewind!


To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Im finding(huge learning curve) there is a sequence that needs to be followed when using "LIN"(line). After you create a new song, I either goto Effects and turn them off or goto sellect your input to "LIN", if you do either of those first AND then turn on the onboard power to the mic youre fine...but if turn the onboard power onto the mic and then select you input "LIN" and adjust your SNS...youre screwed! You may as well start a new song, because youre not getting any sound recorded. And the only way to notice this has happened is to watch your levels, itll barely register.