Sometimes (first Original song)

Started by Bluesberry, September 28, 2008, 05:22:37 PM


Well here goes.  This is my first song ever.  After getting into the Micro BR last Monday after finding this site, I have been playing around over the last week.  This is the first song I have ever attempted and it was really fun.  Thanks to this site.  I struggled with the singing, it was the hardest part of the whole project.  Good thing it is so easy to re-record until somewhat satisfied.  I'm not ready to quit my day job yet but I can see that I am going to have a blast playing with this thing.  Cheers, any kind of feedback would be appreciated.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Its the second topic down when you go to the post your work page.

Adding the mini MP3 player:

Now you can also put an MP3 player like the one I did here. After you have posted your song normally using the attachment feature, return back to the thread and do this:

1. Copy the MP3 attachment link by pressing it with the right button of your mouse and choosing Copy shortcut/link.

2. Press the modify thread button.

3. Press the mp3 button.

4. Paste the link between the  tags. Like this
 exactly where it says Here.

5. It will look like this:

6. Press Save.

Have fun!


You're song is on the player above....


I really like the feel of this. It's coming across all Neil Young Harvest-era to me. Maybe a bit of The Band in there too.

The quality of the guitar and the harmonica is great, but your vocals are sitting too far back in the mix. Did you hold the BR in your hand like a microphone? It really works if you do. It'll sound warmer and more intimate. Just a suggestion!

Really like what you're doing though. Are you available for collaborating with a bit of harmonica?!

Keep 'em coming!


Thank you LesPaulGoldTop, I am not confident in my voice at all so I chickened out on bringing up the volume on voice.  I did sing into the internal mike about 1 foot away but I really struggled to get a good vocal track, I re-recorded my voice many times to get the take that I ended up with.  Saying the remarks about Neil Young or the Band is a very great compliment as I am very much influenced by Mr. Young.  I felt that I was modeling this mostly on Blue Rodeo (Popular Canadian Band that plays Neil Young influenced folk rock style).  Thanks for your kind remarks about my guitar and Harmonica playing, I have been playing Guitar for about two years and finally feel that it is starting to come together.  As for the harmonica, that is something that I love to do but don't feel I am especially good at, so your comments are encouraging.  This just started out as a attempt to learn how to use the Micro BR but I just couldn't leave it alone untill this song finally emerged.  It was a real blast.  I would love to get in on some collaboration in the future.  Thanks for asking.  This was my first song ever.  I think I learned quite a bit over the week from this and cant wait to get started on #2.

P.S. What did you do to get the MP3 player to work?  What did I do wrong?

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Quote from: Bluesberry on September 29, 2008, 05:02:20 AMNope, MP3 player is not working for me, I can copy shortcut from another MP3 player but when I past it to my post I only get the other song playing out of the MP3 player.  How do I tell the MP3 player to play my song that is pasted to my post?  I followed the instructions exactly as written above.  Funny Hu?

You have to post your message before you can get the URL for the attachment. After it's posted, you can right-click on the attachment to copy the URL. Then click on the Modify link near the top of your message. This allows you to edit your posted message. Move the cursor between the MP3 tags and paste the URL into the message. You can then click the Preview button to see if it worked. If it's okay, then click Save to update your message.

For example, the URL of your attachment above is;attach=633. So, the MP3 player code should look like this when editing your message:


I see that LesPaulGoldTop has already added your song to another message. But you should learn how to do this anyway. So, go back to your original message, right-click on the attachment and copy the URL, then click the Modify link to edit your message and try adding the MP3 player to it.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website


Got it working now, thanks.  Now I must get back to work... 

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Hey, that's deadly!  Good stuff, man!  Now I'm going to have to run out and buy one of these things and teach Finnegan to howl like Seamus!  I don't recall you singing much ever, so getting a vocal track on this is a real accomplishment and sounds pretty good.  I like the little quiet picking part at the end after the drums stop, nice touch.  Keep 'er up.


Nice Harmonica sound!!!!!
For only two years of guitar playing your doin real well!! Keep up the good work.
do u know how to auto punch yet, very handy for fixing the near perfect take. Set A-B markers at the start and end of the bar u want to fix, just make sure you're exactly on the beat when u press the A-B, i manually get it on the beat with the cursor. After setting the B marker, u will get a few options, select AUTO.
now u can start ur song from anywhere, press REC and sing along(no fear, it wont actually record until you get to the section u marked.
Keep it Phat 'n' Tasty


Thanks RevHeadRaZ.  I really love playing harmonica but I am not really sure what I am doing other than make sure the key is right and blow in/out.  It seems to come out alright so I must be doing something right.  I played around with auto punch a bit but it feels too much like cheating, adding up little snippets until you have a solo.  I like the idea of one take, warts and all.  I should look into it a bit more.  It is one of the strengths of this little device, very sophisticated tools in such a small, portable package.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand