Saving track info before bouncing

Started by Mach, September 24, 2008, 12:41:38 PM


Is there a way to save the track info on V-tracks before a bounce?

ex:If I have 4 tracks all on V1 and bounce them to a stereo track (1&2) on V2, record on 3&4 V2, bounce to stereo (1&2) V3 and so on...can I save all track info such as levels, pan and reverb settings on the previous V-tracks? So V1 settings remain original, V2 changes are stored there, then the rest of the V's adjustments remain for recall of all tracks.

Does this make sense?  ???

Pro Tools
Adobe Audition
Boss Micro BR


What you're referring to is called Registering a Scene and it's available in more expensive hard disk recorders such as the BR-1600, but not in the Micro BR, BR-600, etc. At any time, you can save all of the BR-1600's current mixer and effect settings to a scene and give it a unique name so that you can later recall those settings. The BR-1600 can save up to 100 scenes per song.

But the Micro BR, BR-600, etc. doesn't support scenes and only saves the current mixer settings for the song. These settings are over-written each time the song is saved, so there's no way to recall previous settings. All you can do is write down your mix settings on a track sheet, then manually re-enter them when you want to restore those settings.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig