Guitars you Want!

Started by Greeny, September 24, 2008, 09:56:01 AM


where in sweden are you madrab, i got a friend in gothenburg, think he is home for  a visit to bonnie scotland next week. check out his myspace site.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


I've never played a hagström (notice the "ö"). The old once are real collectors-items now. I think they quit in the eighties and then started again within the last ten years or so. As far as I know the new ones are really good. I do have a very good hagström gigbag bought for my cheap dean evo — costed as much as as the guitar...

I live in Stockholm. Looking out the window at trees in colours from green to yellow right now. Your friends music was really good, I enjoyed the song about the archipelago.

... I really want one of those squier '51. They go for just above $100 at ebay, but I have to get them sent to me. Would be a fine supplement to my tele and the dean.


I  have no idea how these sound, but they sure look cool.

(more images:


Haven't got an "ö" on my keyboard!

Stockholm is beautiful. Especially Gamla Stan  :)

Aren't there any guitar shops in Sweden????!


I wouldn't mind a Gibson Les Paul of some sort and a Fender Jaguar.


Quote from: 64Guitars on September 24, 2008, 03:01:53 PMThe Roland VG-99 V-Guitar system models classic guitars such as Les Paul (Standard and Junior), Stratocaster, Telecaster, Danelectro, Rickenbacker 360, Gibson ES-335, Gibson L-4, Martin D-28 and 000-28, Gibson J-45 and B-25, Guild D-40, 12-string, and nylon string guitar. It also models bass guitars (Fender Jazz and Precision), Dobro, banjo, sitar, organ, and several guitar synths, including a full implementation of the Roland GR-300. And it has two separate channels so you can play any two guitar models at the same time from a single guitar. Plus alternate tunings so, for example, you could instantly switch to Open G or DADGAD tuning without re-tuning your guitar! If that's not enough, it also includes, not one, but two full COSM effects channels, each with many more effects and amp/speaker models than any of the BRs. And it has a built-in pitch-to-midi converter so you can play your keyboard synth from your guitar instead of the keys.

At $1,295.00 US, it's not cheap, but well worth the money considering all it can do. And it's a lot cheaper than buying all those guitars.

Check out the video demos here:

That Roland guitar emulator/modeller looks fantastic, but it wouldn't have me salivating the way a red ('George Harrison') Rickenbacker 360 12 would......


I just bought me a s51 like above. shipping it to a hotel my friend is staying at in california, then he'll bring it home.

There are alot of guitarsshops here. I can't understand how they all can make a profit, especially those that deal in expensive vintage. is a classic. I bought a superreverb there 20 years ago and was soo nervous when I tried in that small place where any super guitarist could come in at any time. I miss that amp.



Quote from: beleg on October 28, 2008, 08:29:31 AMI would take any of the ones on this site:


There's some freaky stuff on there! Interesting and original designs, but too freaky for me!


My s51 has arrived!
It needs to be adjusted, but it's a great guitar. Amazing value. Check them out if you have the chance. The humbucker is not a loud one and works great with the strat-pickup. When played clean, its more a telecaster punch to it. They were once sold for $100, now you can get one for under $200 which still is a bargain. I have a -78 telecaster with seymour duncan pickups and I can't see that the s51 is much less of a guitar.