Guitars you Want!

Started by Greeny, September 24, 2008, 09:56:01 AM


Quote from: Tony W on September 09, 2010, 08:18:58 AMI'm vain

I want this

I have never allowed myself to play a PRS because I know that I will leave the shop 3 grand worse off.  Then the wife will kick me out and I'll be forced to sleep rough, catch pneumonia and die.  I'll have a nice guitar though.
It would have to be a blue one Blue Mateo I think....


Tony W

The PRS pictured is a private stock. There was no price listing, but you can safely assume it's close to 10 grand. I might be able to afford the fret filings, but that's about it.

I couldn't imagine the reaction of my significant other if I were to come home with a guitar valued about the same as her vehicle....

Then the justification sets in.... Well I spend more time with a guitar in hand than I do with a steering wheel.....

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Chapperz - you might be surprised if you tried a PRS. I was the same as you years ago, and then one day I tried one. They're lovely guitars and all, but all the ones I've tried, they seem a little too perfect and soul-less to me - I've never played one that said "I'm yours" or went anywhere near justifying her price tag to me personally...

On the other hand, it might be just your thing, and you will be going home knowing you've got a lot of explaining to do :D

That particular PRS does look damnably cute though Tony...

Right at the moment though, I am more tempted by the Squier Jazz that Henwrench posted - I think I looked at one the other week (it was some sort of Jazz, anyway, in that price range - I was taking the nephew round Denmark St, and he seems to have changed into a bassist, so I went in the bass shop for the first time in years)
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


You're not the first person to tell me this, Andy.  The guitarist with whom Nick and I often collaborate had a PRS custom 24.  He always says it was the easiest guitar to play, beautiful action, impeccably stable tuning even with fairly extreme whammy usage, and sweet tone - but he used the same word you did - souless. 

When he decided he had to sell a guitar, he kept his strat and sold the PRS.

But I'm not going to risk it.  They look so beautiful......

On the subject of basses, my son has a Mexican Fender Precision.  Definately worth a look.




I think it's a "strat-players" thing with PRSs. If someone's really fallen in love with, bonded with, and used, a traditional strat for enough time, then they've got a certain set of expectations... Not the least of which is that we expect a bit of fight from the thing to get the rewards we seek!....

I'm guessing (from your avatar pic) that you might be in this boat as well...

The first PRS I tried, many years ago, felt and behaved like a "strat-players les paul" in my hands. If I'd had the funds then, I'd have bought it, and I might be a different person now... As it was, I was penniless, and I've since learned to make a strat do all kinds of stuff I couldn't make it do back then...

So, years later, whenever I try a PRS now, they all seem to have missed the boat with me!
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Quote from: AndyR on September 13, 2010, 06:30:12 AM:D

I'm guessing (from your avatar pic) that you might be in this boat as well...

You're quite right.  It's always a strat I come home to.  I have "played away" a few times over the years but ultimately I know where I'm comfortable!  :)



what is it about strat men and their strats?  What is this mythological love anyway.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Quote from: Bluesberry on September 13, 2010, 08:16:48 AMwhat is it about strat men and their strats?  What is this mythological love anyway.

5-way switching and a certain kind of twang!


Quote from: Greeny on September 13, 2010, 09:38:05 AM
Quote from: Bluesberry on September 13, 2010, 08:16:48 AMwhat is it about strat men and their strats?  What is this mythological love anyway.

5-way switching and a certain kind of twang!

And matched with an AC30.  There is nothing better!!!!!!

PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One


Quote from: IanR on September 13, 2010, 07:17:47 PM
Quote from: Greeny on September 13, 2010, 09:38:05 AM
Quote from: Bluesberry on September 13, 2010, 08:16:48 AMwhat is it about strat men and their strats?  What is this mythological love anyway.

5-way switching and a certain kind of twang!

And matched with an AC30.  There is nothing better!!!!!!

It's probably deeply Freudian - the absence of breast-feeding as an infant, or maybe a traumatic event in a previous life.  Or it could be just the curves of the body, the feel of the neck and the sound of the voice.

I think I've said too much.... ;)
