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Started by jimsz, July 14, 2010, 09:10:43 PM


I downloaded the program and had a quick look at it, between both of those, I've got some homework to do, but I think you're right, it should make things much easier. Again, awesome dude! Many thanks. :)
Just this guy, ya' know.



Is it possible to write a program to list the effect settings of the BR?

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


Quote from: BuleriaChk on July 17, 2010, 10:56:58 AMIs it possible to write a program to list the effect settings of the BR?

Certainly. I wrote such a program years ago for the BR-864 and released a beta version but never got around to finishing it. It even allowed for editing of most parameters. I later found a bug in it and couldn't be bothered fixing it so I gave up on that project with the intention of incorporating some of its features into BR Explorer instead. You can currently list the patches in BR Explorer but not their parameters. If I ever find the time, I hope to add the ability to view the effects parameters and toggle each effect in the algorithm.

(click to enlarge)

I also wrote Micro BR Patch Documenter for the Micro BR.

It allows Micro BR users to view all of the parameters of their effects and copy them to the clipboard for pasting into a word processor, email, forum message, etc., like this:

           Patch: GT04:Twangstr

Song: BigDance
Folder: SONG0000.BR0
Algorithm: COSM GTR AMP

Preamp: CLEAN
  Volume: 39
  Bass: 50
  Middle: 46
  Treble: 60
  Presence: 70
  Master: 70
  Bright: Off

Speaker Sim: TWIN
  Mic Set: 6 cm
  Mic Level: 100
  Dir Level: 34
         Noise Suppressor: On
  Threshold: 40
  Release: 30

FX: Compressor
  Sustain: 33
  Attack: 100
  Level: 62

Delay: Tap
  Delay Time: 100 ms
  Feedback: 0
  Effect Level: 25

I've done some work on a generic version of this program for all BRs but haven't found the time to finish it yet.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Wow, that would be DYNAMITE for the BR-600/900CD, especially since it could probably be adapted to the BR-800...  I'm on the Acoustic Guitar forum, and I can't imagine that most of them haven't even considered the BR series, but I don't think they have, for the most part...

I think one main result would be that it would show the power of the effects processor and their patches as a live performance tool, as opposed to a multitrack recorder... I was surprised how good the effects were when I tried it out (and I have owned a GT-6, a GS-10 (which I still have), and a GT-10...)

The Micro-BR is so limited in comparison...  I'm a programmer; if I can help out, let me know.....

(When I make a new acoustic patch, I ALWAYS forget to turn off the compressor, since for me it just doesn't seem to work for Flamenco - and it bites me when I turn the volume up for performing ........:-)  I would REALLY find it valuable to scroll through the patches and analyze the settings)

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80