Boo Micro Br - no sound !

Started by rey2007, July 12, 2010, 11:31:23 AM

[I am a newbie on this Forum-to make my bio short- well that after listening to  many animes for too many yeasr I realized that many of their songs where quite good so into the music  for it is much more fun trying to play or try to..  than just listening to  them;and yeah, I am 65 yrs old ,so call me a later music bloomer ?!]

I recently ,got a microbr(boss) -bought it used 2 weeks ago[from local pawnshops-you can get good deals] and unable to get a even a peek(sound) out of it..

1-Tried to do a firmware udate to 1.04  but the Micro br says insert card when it is already inside it..
The SD card* comes form a Nikon camera.I formatted it,it was recognized by the Br..

*It also comes from a pawnshop as trying to get new SD cards of 1Gig it is becoming difficult-the minimum pc shops etc carry are SDHC 2 gigs cards..

2- I reformatted the card (it was recognized-card initialized,(formatted) by the Br and sucessfully completed.. and then put on the card via my pc Boss Br Microtracks songs recently released by Boss

3-Now I can play the songs on my pc via the SD card (in an usb adapter)

4-But on the Boss I only get Song000,press EXE,the song runs but no sound !

Now I read in the docs that the song file must have a "8.3" file name (8 characters + extensions(type of the file)

But the MicroBr songs are not into that format-more than '8 characters' but the type is in MP3 tho..


Notes-used a headset earphones,also tried  2 separate speakers.Also the Micro Br-bought a PSA-120 adapter and it works fine and does save the batteries..

My pc runs on Debian/Gnu lenny v 5.0.5


if you want to play mp3 or wave files on the microbr you must go to the mp3 training mode. Push the "mp3 trainer" button and see that the display shows mp3 on the lower left side.

Seek out some of the tutorial videos on this site on how to record your own songs .. they're really helpful

good luck
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........

Thanks- such  a simple thing- I was stuck on "listening to the demo sound"  the manual...