selection of one song from a continuous recording

Started by icespeckledhen, July 12, 2010, 09:20:40 AM

If the BR is set to record several songs over a period of say 1 hour, can one particular song be filtererd out and kept and the rest discarded or do you have to stop and start for each song?


Yes. You can move the track so it begins at the song you want, and then erase from the end of the song - all from menu commands.

If you have more than one song you want to keep, or just want to be safe - make a copy of the original track(s), and then work on the copy.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


If I understand it correctly, you want to select particular songs from a longer recording? I've needed to do this when I've done an open mic set - i.e. I've mastered the whole set to mp3 then chopped the songs up afterwards in Audacity (where you can fade in / out and edit to your hearts content). The only problem with this has been space issues with the memory card, because it takes a lot of space to master a big recording session. In that case, you're better off exporting the raw song file(s) to your pc then using the BR wave converter. You can download it here at the Roland site:

This should work. It allows you to convert raw song files to .wav, and then you can import them into some kind of DAW

Thanks for your replies and I have something to work with now. It is much easier to turn the BR Micro on, let it run and see what happens, when I keep turning it off and on it breaks the flow.
Your music is excellent and I really enjoyed listening to you both.