Neck Pickup Picking Up String Noise On Micro BR...

Started by scottieD, July 01, 2010, 04:24:13 PM


...And it's not the guitar!  When I record using the neck pickup, the Micro Br picks up the pick scraping on the strings.  Doesn't occur straight into amp.  Had the pickups potted, same thing....then I noticed that with the Micro Br on Guitar Recording mode, that I am getting the "over" reading like you would using Mic mode when you record too loud.   No matter how far down I turn the input volume, it's still reading "over" in Guitar" mode..which leads me to believe the problem is with the Micro...any thought or suggestions?

Boss BR-800
   Okay to cover...not sure why you'd want to though...


In input mode, check Sensitivity..... I always put it at about -6 to -8. That should do it. The MBR is prone to clipping very easily.

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


Awesome!  Thanks Henwrench...I'llcheck it when I get home...I noticed and wondered cause I saw that the sensitivity was maxed at plus 8...That's gotta be it!  You are my hero...this was really stressing me out...brand new guitar ( Washburn ) that my wife got me for christmas...You rule!
 :) :) :)

Boss BR-800
   Okay to cover...not sure why you'd want to though...


The over indicator is between the input sensitivity control and the input level control. So only reducing the input sensitivity can stop the over indicator from lighting. The input level control and all other level controls in the BR come after the over indicator so they have no effect on it. The only other way to affect the over indicator is to change the input level at its source - the volume control on your guitar.

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Boss BR-864
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     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig