'Stick the Kettle On'

Started by Greeny, June 07, 2010, 06:50:27 AM


01_TIM GREEN_Stick the Kettle On
Just me and the MBR. A song about the British obsession with tea. I tried to put the sound of the sunny weekend we've just had here into it  :)


Sublime bass again, slippery slidy magic.
  Old henwrench exclusively drinks Yorkshire Gold and Special Gunpowder, always in a bone china golliwog mug.

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR

Tony W

Another winner here Tim. Is everything you're touching lately turning to Gold?

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Great tune!!
Love the the chord progression. Vocals and top production!
Are you using a capo here?
Now on SoundClick and Reverbnation
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Every Greeny song lately "feels" like one of the best ones yet.  The level of songwriting quality and recording (4 tracks total on this one?) is very high indeed.  This is 4-track recording of the utmost caliber, ok maybe 6 tracks hu.  There is something that pulls me in deep about this one.  That is one of the things I take away from your songs, you always manage to pull me in deep into the world of the song, the song exists in a very real world and it is very clear.  I strive (not sure exactly how you do it so well, but I strive) to do something like that with my songs, this is something I have picked up from you Tim.  This site is so great for that, everyday is like a songwriting clinic on here.  I just got schooled by the best today, thanks.  Off for another listen...

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Uber bass, and profound lyrics! Great song!
Boss Micro BR


Quote from: Bluesberry on June 07, 2010, 08:02:27 AMEvery Greeny song lately "feels" like one of the best ones yet.  The level of songwriting quality and recording (4 tracks total on this one?) is very high indeed.  This is 4-track recording of the utmost caliber, ok maybe 6 tracks hu.  There is something that pulls me in deep about this one.  That is one of the things I take away from your songs, you always manage to pull me in deep into the world of the song, the song exists in a very real world and it is very clear.  I strive (not sure exactly how you do it so well, but I strive) to do something like that with my songs, this is something I have picked up from you Tim.  This site is so great for that, everyday is like a songwriting clinic on here.  I just got schooled by the best today, thanks.  Off for another listen...

Thanks BB!

I agree - this place is like songwriting school. Every day brings fresh inspiration and ideas. Sometimes I get jealous that I can't do a mad masterpiece like henwrench or boognish, but I like to think that we're all sparking off each other in some way.

As for lyrics, it's like Charles Bukowski always said: "An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way." That's a good lesson for all of us I think. Less is almost always more.

I had a feeling about this one as I was recording it last night. We'll see if it makes a live set oneday (the true mark of a Greeny 'keeper', lol)  :)

Black Mary

By jove ! That's a spiffing groove you've got going there Greeny. Makes me want to break out the Earl Grey ;D Seriously great feel to this. Has overtones of Blur in the subject matter and the vox melody. Beautiful sweeping bassline. Excellent tone on the guitars. Think I'll have to warm the pot & listen again ;D Fine song ;D


This has such a British sound, could,nt come from anywhere else, The Kinks come to mind, maybe not the sound but the subject matter is just totally from these islands, especially England, great sound as always ,loved it.
Boss BR-80


wOw another pro recording `Mr Green !!  Great upbeat feel-good-sunshine vibe !..   Would luv to take a break and drink some green tea out `There in a shady place.... 

.,.,.hey wait, listening to this is like having a Greeny Tea break  :~)

"Sometimes It's Not How Fast You Move, But How Soon You Get There" - Bruce Lee

Tools: Kramer Strat, LP Deluxe, Avalon 12-string, Ibanez Bass, Yamaha Keyboard, Micro BR, Riffworks, Line 6 UX2, & a little Ableton & Audacity for grins :~)