"Painted Gray" (Geir original)

Started by Geir, May 24, 2010, 02:31:01 PM

Gu Djin

Had to listen to this twice before I heard it?  The first time I was lost in the production and the tones on the guitar.  Second time I heard the song. 

Result.  Instant fan.

Guild Starfire 5, Fender Telecaster, Fender Stratocaster, K Yairi and Walden and a 12 Stagg string acoustic guitar and other music making boxes - including mandolin, bouzouki and 5 string banjo, uke and acoustic bass - a few M-Audio keyboards and a flute - all played and treated with equal love and attention - zoom ut 2 pedal and Logic Pro X


Loved this Song composition Geir ! stunning guitar work with killer tones !! you have many fans add me to your,e list !!

Boss BR-800
Happiness is a warm ES 335, Boss BR800, Tascam dp 24 , Boss Micro , Fender Strat 70s original, Line 6 classical modeling guitar, yamaha ps 125 keyboard. Hohner Bass guitar.

Tascam DP-24
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-8


Well Mr Geir.
What can I possibly add? You are the Man.
What impresses me more then the nice tones, expressive vocals and pleasant surprises in the mix, is your creativity. I mean honestly the song is a knock out but it's what I would expect from such a talented musician. But what really excites me is to witness such a talented musician reaching, creatively... for something new. This song is so unique and has so much going on, you have to listen to it more then once, to fully appreciate it.
Someone mentioned Bowie but The Doors kept coming to mind... as I listened. 
Outstanding Piece my friend.
3 thumbs up

Boss BR-600


Holy barrel of monkeys, Geir you are on a roll!!

Hell yeah, this is awesome! I loved that Neo-Zappa breakdown in the last section.

Just one more listen... Please??

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

Song List
About Me
Ok to Cover


Incredible song, Geir! This is one of the best songs you have written, imo!! I love that proggy mood...so different music. I think you'd better get back to your cabin to write more tunes like this! dnlwd it

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR

Gary F

What an amazing production !!!!  10/10



Damn Geir man.  I mean holy shittttile.  Really great.  If this is your new songs, your new songwriting mood, all I can say is this is going to be quite the year for Geir-rock.  Bloody hell man.  I can't form an opinion coherently other than to say "eagrhetrtittlesnopimhammer" of something like that.  Did you find the hammer of the rock-gods while at your cabin.  Real spook here.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Thank you for the kind words my friends !!!

This one came to life due to the fact that I had brought with me ACA's Squier Showmaster to fix some bad connections and do some adjustments. When done I started playing it, and due to it's crispy single-coil sound I started out playing some funky riffs and I also fooled around with the bluesy intro. I recorded the intro to not forget it and then tried to build it further. added a toy piano and bounced with a heavily flanged pan-echo FX STOP ! ok I started funking around again, but the tempo was completely different STOP .... ok ... hmmm .. change tempo on drums ... play a couple of funky riffs .... .... hmmm ... chordchanges maybe ... one step up .... and another ... and another .... hit record ... leave some funkish dwelling spots ... almost 4: minutes .. hit stop. ..... edit drumpattern .... edit drum-kit .... pick up the bass ...... loop ... funkeeeeeeey .......put a bassbridge on that dwelling spot  cool instrumental ! .. let's put some lead on this ..... coffe break .... monkey thoughts .... some people are just too black and white .... think I'll paint some gray or ... grey ... no dictionary ... hmmmm ... gray it is ... wow that mist came fast ... and sun still shining ... what a great sight .. [input]-[MIC] ... T3V1 ... record ....
... STOP ... no the song must start at the chordchange .... write lyrics .... .. ok ... record .... no ... try again ...  and again ... ok ... close enough . ... now where's a synth when you need it .... try some harmonies .. T4V1 record .. oops there's the tempochange ..... ok .. I'll start there ... make the change smoother ...ok ... another harmonie ...  outta tracks ... T2V2 .. don't need the bass for harmonies here (remember not to deep .. will fight with the bass in the mix) . ...  juggle with V-tracks and multiple backing vox takes .... oooops there's some clicking noises ... I'll fix that later .... ... more vox ... that bridge turned out cool ... bouncing ... coffe break ... bouncing ... ... bouncing ... guitar .. which one .. UV-777 ... funky lead me? yeah right ... new strings ... loop ... play  ... finetuning ... record ... finetuning ... record ....hmmmm ... close enough ... hungry ... matering mode ... hmm the bass is a tad low ... bounce mode ... guitar + mix ... master mode .. new mix + bass ... not too much .. mastering .... mp3-mode ... fry some chicken filet and vegetables ... food drink listen ... hmmm ... close enough ... NO inet :( ...... what next ???  listen to radio .. "Where do we go from here ..." cool staccato acoustic guitar ......

I think I'll stay here "A while ..... "
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........

T.C. Elliott

Cool guitars... but that toy piano is creepy. It definitely gave the intro a horror film feeling, imo.
But, again, the guitars are cool.
I'm painting our bedroom and bathroom in two days if all things go as planned... I'd switch to gray but I can't afford the divorce. Vast Sky (blue) and Cloud Nine (white) it is!
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


that bass!!! jings crivvens and help ma bump
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann