Mixing Down Question

Started by spacelooper, August 31, 2008, 08:20:45 AM


    I am sure this is probably and real newbie question... but how do I actually Mixdown on the the BR Micro itself...fading in and out certain tracks that are remembered on the mixdown?... is there a way to do this?...at current I have 2 tracks recorded and will probably add more, but I want to mixdown the 2 that I have bringing track 1 up slowly in the mix...then transfer to WAV which I can upload to computer and burn to disc...I really couldn't find anything in the manual specifying mixdown... wasn't sure if this is something done in the mastering stage?...and was curious if level tweaks are remembered in Mastering stage etc... I have only had the unit for  few days but looks like it will be awesome...along with the Kaossilator and Mini Kaoss pad its a battery powered studio...nothing like recording a CD on lunch breaks in the park...(smile)

thanks a ton,

I am wondering if the best way( or only way) to go about this is to Bounce the tracks and adjust track levels(fade Ins & Outs) while bouncing, then Master the 2 V tracks and export?...if there is a better way to actually Mixdown I would greatly appreciate it.

thanks again,


Quote from: spacelooper on August 31, 2008, 02:53:10 PMI am wondering if the best way (or only way) to go about this is to Bounce the tracks and adjust track levels (fade Ins & Outs) while bouncing.

Your method is the way I've done fade-ins and outs, or I will do it after the fact in a simple sound editing program like Audio Cleaning Lab.

By the way, I've been curious about the Kaoss items.  What can you tell me about them?


    I was trying to shy away from computer programs and hoping to do it within the Boss Micro.
    I have only had the Kaoss items for a few days but I LOVE them.I purchased the Boss Micro, The Kaossilator, and the Kaoss Mini KP kaoss pad.Considering its a Synth, Effects unit and Multi track all for about 575.00 it's pretty awesome... the fact that they are all Battery powered and ULTRA portable is amazing in my book.I purchased a 12$ pistol case from Bass Pro shop and they all fit in there perfect...briefcase studio.
   I have seen guys on youtube with the Kaossilator and they tend to be pretty "dance" oriented in their approach, not really my cup of tea but is great for that... i think the Kaossilator in much more versatile than folks give credit.I tend to use it for somewhat ambient or Berlin school type music. There are also a fair amount of people that slam it saying its a toy etc...again I think the fault is in the ability not to see the potential in the "lil synth that could".To me it is like the ultimate Gameboy or iPod...one that you can make awesome music on..it's highly addictive.Again though, it is only 200.00 so there are a lot of features that could have been added but weren't for the sake of the dollar.You can't store loops or anything, but not really a big deal as I am assuming that you have a Micro BR to record onto.That being said, there is a lot that you can do.You can select the Key that you want to play in and there are SEVERAL different scales to choose from as well as Gate Arppegiation and 100 Synth presets.The touch pad is very intuitive and works quite well.
    The Mini Kaoss pad is pretty awesome as well and goes hand in hand with the Kaossilator, they are a perfect match. I do not have any experience with the big daddy Kaoss pad so not real sure on comparisons but at 250.00 more than the mini I would hope that it does alot more.I think though for 150.00 the Mini KP is pretty darn awesome for a battery powered portable effects unit.The sounds are good and there 100 presets.

hope this answers a few questions about Kaoss...
if you want to know anything specific let me know..


Quote from: spacelooper on August 31, 2008, 08:20:45 AMhow do I actually Mixdown on the the BR Micro itself...fading in and out certain tracks that are remembered on the mixdown?

Read pages 50 and 51 of the Micro BR manual - "Putting multiple tracks together (Bounce)".

Bouncing records the mix of all four tracks to the v-track(s) you specify as the destination. Any fades or other manipulations you might perform while the bounce is in progress will be recorded.

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