Volume Variety

Started by FuzzFace, May 02, 2010, 03:02:10 PM


Is there a way to elevate the volume level of one section of a track?


Yes, but it's a pain. While bouncing, you have to raise the volume of the track you want on the fly, and then bring it back down again. The original track has to be bounced to another track, and while that process is happening, you can pan, change volume, etc. Not ideal.

It's like riding the faders in the old days...

Audacity or something similar would be a better choice.

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Or, if it's a huge jump you want, there's another method, I've done it once, it's not nice though.

It involves "cutting" and "pasting" - you'd need to master that.

Cut the chunk you want louder out of the track and paste it to another track in exactly the same place. Play the two tracks back together, adjust the volume of the two tracks and bounce them down to one when you're happy with the difference between them.

Like I said, I've done it once, and it works - but I'll use the "riding the faders" method instead if I possibly can. It's just it can be a bit of a traumatic experience with the MBR buttons if you try to get from 65 to 85 in one or two beats!! (Without ending up at 95 instead :D)
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