Effects and mixing down

Started by kernowkid, May 02, 2010, 03:58:39 AM


Hi Guys,

I've got 4 tracks laid down on my Micro BR. I've copied T1V1 to T2V2 and panned left and right so I get a stereo effect.

How do I ensure the volume on T2V2 stays the same if I have it set different for T2V1 (if this makes sense)?

If I want to master I think I need to bounce all 4 tracks together - is this done by bouncing 2 pairs of tracks to stereo pairs?

Help, I'm confused.




Quote from: kernowkid on May 02, 2010, 03:58:39 AMI've got 4 tracks laid down on my Micro BR. I've copied T1V1 to T2V2 and panned left and right so I get a stereo effect.

Creating an identical copy of a track won't give you a stereo effect. It just gives you 2-channel mono. See this message:


To create a stereo effect, you have to make one copy different than the other. The most common way to do that is to time-shift one of the tracks slightly. However, some people find that they get better results by simply recording the performance again on another track. Since each performance is slightly different, you'll get a better stereo effect.

You can also achieve a stereo effect by using the Micro BR's tap delay effect and recording to a pair of tracks.

QuoteIf I want to master I think I need to bounce all 4 tracks together - is this done by bouncing 2 pairs of tracks to stereo pairs?

See this page for more on bouncing:


Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


64 Guitars,

Thanks for the links - I especially like the Stereo/Mono 2 channel pictorials - now if only all instruction manuals were in this format.

I understand now the stereo principle. Unfortunately it will not be easy to record the bass part again as our bass player died from a stroke shortly after he had laid down the bass to 3 tracks at a band rehearsal.

We've had the tracks kicking around for a while, it just seemed like fate we recorded them that night. We're completing the tracks (3 covers and 1 original) as a tribute to him. Just goes to show what a wonderful little machine the MBR is.

Thanks for the help.



Quote from: kernowkid on May 03, 2010, 04:14:50 AMUnfortunately it will not be easy to record the bass part again as our bass player died from a stroke shortly after he had laid down the bass to 3 tracks at a band rehearsal.

Sorry to hear that.  That's awful.

On the musical side, I wouldn't bother to split a bass in stereo unless it's very appropriate to the tune. Even on rare occasion that I'll slap a chorus on a bass, I'll usually shoot it up the center (or slightly off center to keep it away from the vocals).

Good luck.
