Is each "track" a "song"

Started by gsouth, August 30, 2008, 07:40:01 AM

I have the guitar part on track 1,  will the vocals be on track 2 ?  Should I create a "new song" for each track ?  I am asking because Boss said everything is a "song".   Do I need to create a "new song" for each track of the production ?




No, put your vocal on tack 2, the song will be the combination of all the tracks. Check out the articles and tutorials link for help.

Steve, thanks for clarifying...I have recorded sone song/one track ? with a rythem guitar. Now I want to record lead guitar on the next track but having difficulty figuring out how to find that 2nd track since the BR asked me if a song is new or SEL,  how do I located the next track on my new song ?


I guess I am saying how do I "locate" a song that I just recorded ? (so I can add some new tracks over it).



Quote from: gsouth on August 30, 2008, 02:09:17 PMI guess I am saying how do I "locate" a song that I just recorded ? (so I can add some new tracks over it).


A song remains active until specifically changed. Even after turning off and
back on, the same song is active. Sounds like you just need to select the new
track to record to.  See pg 32 in manual.  #2- press the record button and the
track select screen comes up. #3- select which track you want to record to.
Now when you record, you'll be able to hear the first track you recorded while
recording the new track.  Assuming you have headphones or speakers plugged
into the MBR. ;D