Tear It Down - Saijinn Maas

Started by Saijinn Maas, April 26, 2010, 09:25:31 AM


Sai Dude!! This is freakin awesome!! icked Slayer Chug and love the vocals. You`ve inspired me to get off my ass and get my shit together and back recording. NICE BRO!!!
Boss BR-80


I love the dark drive of this. There's a deep and edgy vibe that oozes intensity. Absolutely perfect panning, tone and guitar interplay. A spectacular couple of solos too. Very tasty stuff. Did I mention the vocal?! That works wonderfully too.


The whole thing is frighteningly good!

Saijinn Maas

Thanks for the comments everyone! Lots of nice things said. I'll probably re-do this sometime, as I think it is a bit too short and a little bit repetitive. And the solo tone sounds a little garish to my ears. Oh well ;)

Thanks again ;)


Great rock song Sai. The ESP sounds dead good, my man. 

I managed to headbang without getting caught by any family members this time.



Top tune, rifftastic, makes me wanna do some metal-rock stuff. Watch this space...

   How's the no smoking going? Do what I did, get yourself some nasal snuff... works a treat and you'll wonder why you bothered smoking in the first place. I recommend trying to track down some Wilson's of Sharrow Gold Label blended with a touch of Extra Menthol... it'll blow your head off like that ESP of your's...

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR

Saijinn Maas

Quote from: henwrench on April 28, 2010, 08:38:54 AMTop tune, rifftastic, makes me wanna do some metal-rock stuff. Watch this space...

   How's the no smoking going? Do what I did, get yourself some nasal snuff... works a treat and you'll wonder why you bothered smoking in the first place. I recommend trying to track down some Wilson's of Sharrow Gold Label blended with a touch of Extra Menthol... it'll blow your head off like that ESP of your's...


Henwrench doing metal?? I think I would actually pay to see that!

The no smoking is going surprisingly well. Been having a bit of a problem sleeping due to a constant feeling of restlessness... Chewing cinnamon gum like crazy though. I'll pass on the snuff though. I'm not one to replace one addiction with another. :P

Thanks :)


An awesome song and producing! Here's a bit grunge vibe in chorus, imo...the gtr solo is real fine!!

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


This song is very heavy . and congrats on quitting smoking. remember one day at
a time. my wife quite now going on 3 years. anyway  cool song very nice bass line
actually im hearing a bit of BLACK SABBATH PARANOID in this tune. either way
for a original peice well executed and well done. TC Neil


Great hard rock song. All the guitar parts have a good sound and tone. nice work on the vocals. Solo is real killer. Nice job on this song.

"Rock is dead they say, Long Live Rock, be it dead or alive"    P. Townsend