Boosting volume on a track that's already bounced - Micro Br...

Started by scottieD, April 22, 2010, 09:26:25 PM


Help!  I want to boost the volume on a track that's been bounced ( i.e. V2 - track4 ).  How do I do it?  This is for the Micro Br...


Boss BR-800
   Okay to cover...not sure why you'd want to though...


Turn the volume on that track up (to 120 ? ) or bounce just that track to a new one using some compression or just boost if 120 isn't enough
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


I assume you mean that you're not happy with the mix after bouncing. If so, just re-do the bounce. To do that, you have to set all of the v-tracks back to the source tracks (see page 42 of the Micro BR Owner's Manual, 4th edition).

For example, let's assume that you've created a new song and recorded to v-track 1 of tracks 1 through 4. You then bounced that mix to Tr34v2. After listening to the result, you decide that you want to change the level of one of the original four tracks (v-track 1). If you go to the VTrack screen, it will look like this:

 VTrack ■□□□□□□□ <
   V2  V2  V2  V2

All four tracks are set to V2. Simply set them back to V1.

 VTrack ■□□□□□□□ <
   V1  V1  V1  V1

Now you can adjust the track levels & pan to your liking, and re-do the bounce.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


thanks for the tips guys...i tried something else that actually worked ( miracles of miracles )...when I was ready to master, I simply put track 4 ( which was empty ) back to V2, turned up the volume to my liking, and kept track 4 on V2 while Mastering...and Voila! it worked!  I'm gonna try your guys suggestions too...because I have been known to use up all my tracks ;D
Thanks again!

Boss BR-800
   Okay to cover...not sure why you'd want to though...


I've encountered this problem in the past as well.  In a situation where it would be too laborious* to re-create two or more generations of bouncing, I've done this:

Say the latest bounced pair is: T34V4
The original track I want to bring up is: T2V1

I bounce these three tracks (and possibly a fourth if there's something new to add) to a new stereo pair (say T34V5) adding just enough level to T2V1 to augment the existing level. 

I'd probably want to pan T2V1 to the same L/R position as in the original.  However, I've used panning in this way to do a slight nudge to left or right, as long as I also wanted to bring up the level of that track.

*For example, I didn't document or save any of my effects tweaks. (Not that that would ever happen.)
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


This is more experimental, and I've not actually tried it--but I may give it a shot:

What if I wanted to reduce the volume of a track that's been bounced, and it would just be impossible to recreate my previous bounce process?

I'd try to use phase cancellation to suppress the level, like this:

Export the track that's too loud to a WAV file. (I'll say it's the cowbell.)
Open the file in Audacity.
Invert the entire file (using the Invert effect).
Export it to a new WAV file.

The inverted cowbell file will sound the same as the original file, but it's analogous to a mirror image of the original.

Load the new WAV file onto the Micro BR, and import it to an available v-track.

Say the latest bounced pair is: T34V4
The inverted cowbell track is: T2V2
I pan it to the exact L/R position as in the bounced pair.

The more level I add to the inverted cowbell track, the less I should be able to hear it because it is canceling out the cowbell in the bounced pair. When the levels are equal (i.e. when it's 100% out of phase) the cowbell sound would disappear.

Viola: Less Cowbell!

If there were any reverb or effects on the original cowbell, that would probably persist even when the main sound had been suppressed. More fodder for experimentation.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac