Designing the next Micro BR

Started by 64Guitars, August 26, 2008, 12:06:27 PM


I'd almost like to see a different screen. (don't get me wrong, I like how it is now) I was thinking a screen the same size, but a different type of display...maybe a color LCD screen with higher pixel ratio.

However, a lot of people like it how it is now, right? I'm just thinking here...
"90-proof pain, I shot at a time."  -George Molton


Lots of good ideas in this thread Do we have any contact with Boss? I would have thought this community was a great source of info for them.




Quote from: Ferryman_1957 on February 02, 2009, 03:28:17 AMLots of good ideas in this thread Do we have any contact with Boss? I would have thought this community was a great source of info for them.



I'm pretty sure they're paying attention...  ;)


how about an input directly from your brain to the mbr, so all those songs you have in your head but cant figure out how to play can be recorded straight to two tracks in full stereo, naw hell 5.1 surround sound, cos some of the sounds in my head seem further back, i think inside your head is a bit like a tardis, im not making sense now.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Quote from: oldrottenhead on February 03, 2009, 03:28:04 AMhow about an input directly from your brain to the mbr, so all those songs you have in your head but cant figure out how to play can be recorded straight to two tracks in full stereo, naw hell 5.1 surround sound, cos some of the sounds in my head seem further back, i think inside your head is a bit like a tardis, im not making sense now.

Damn, Rottenhead!  You just read my mind!  I guess we're halfway to the realization of that idea!


"Music survives everything, and like God, it is always present.
It needs no help, and suffers no hindrance.  It has always found
me, and with God's blessing and permission, it always will."
--Eric Clapton


The other day I hit the record button to capture a jam and an epic jam it was... Only when I played back, there was NOTHING. Guess I didn't actually hit the button afterall... So, my suggestion, and I think its pretty darn simple, is to have a red led light somewhere on the box that lights up if its recording. I would add that if an external mic was selected, but mysteriously not connected, then the record feature would be disabled and there would be no red light. Boss, if you are listening, please make it so!!!


Quote from: hewhoiscalledj on February 03, 2009, 03:51:02 PMThe other day I hit the record button to capture a jam and an epic jam it was… Only when I played back, there was NOTHING. Guess I didn’t actually hit the button afterall… So, my suggestion, and I think its pretty darn simple, is to have a red led light somewhere on the box that lights up if its recording. I would add that if an external mic was selected, but mysteriously not connected, then the record feature would be disabled and there would be no red light. Boss, if you are listening, please make it so!!!

I agree with this one wholeheartedly - a little red LED light somewhere would be a very useful addition.

Another thing that would help me is a message that would come up when you try to record over an existing track: i.e. "Do you REALLY want to record over this, monkey boy?"

Thank goodness for that 'Undo' button!  :D


Quote from: Greeny on February 04, 2009, 03:16:27 AMI agree with this one wholeheartedly - a little red LED light somewhere would be a very useful addition.

Another thing that would help me is a message that would come up when you try to record over an existing track: i.e. "Do you REALLY want to record over this, monkey boy?"

The other BR models have multi-coloured LEDs in the Track buttons to indicate the status, as shown in this chart:

So, a flashing orange and green track button means "Do you REALLY want to record over this, monkey boy?"   :D  Flashing red indicates record standby (armed track) and solid red means the track is currently recording. Solid orange means you're currently recording over a previously-recorded track.

I guess Roland omitted these LEDs from the Micro BR to make the track button switches smaller, or maybe to cut costs. Although, I don't imagine that four LEDs would really add all that much to the cost of the Micro BR.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


I keep thinking about what was discussed earlier about a second unit to program this or that (drum Patterns?) through USB port. Even when it was dismissed for affecting portability, I think it's a good idea. I mean, the thing is portable when you take it somewhere. But it can also be used at home and at home you have your other stuff like....a PC!
So, can there be a GUI to control everything in the BR when you're at home?
I mean simultaneous displays for everything, change whatever you want with a few clicks of the mouse!
Maybe all it takes for this is to include a software cd in the BR box!


I wish mastering and exporting didnt take so long.  Stereo internal mic. 
Record 2+ inputs at once. (ideally 4)
More bass models/vocal effects.
Better phantom power for larger external mics.
Internal preamp for dynamic mics.
Color display.
Make bouncing easier.
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe