BR-900CD CF Card Jack

Started by BuleriaChk, April 18, 2010, 09:20:12 AM


Although I tried to be very careful, apparently one of the pins on my CF Card slot is either bent or has slid into its hole (it is very hard to tell).  The BR worked for a couple of years (I bought it on Ebay), but in changing cards, something went wrong, and I'm now getting the "unsupported card" message, even though the card is from Roland, and my previous cards work in my BR-600.

Has anyone had experience sending the BR back for repair, taking it apart to assess the damage, or trying to straighten the pin using needlenose pliers or some variant?  If it isn't too difficult I'd like to try removing the case and trying to get at the connector; failing that, I'll have to decide if the BR is worth repairing, or just wait for the BR-800.

If I decide on the latter, I will have a BR that works as a front end for guitar effects and the stock rhythm tracks which I will send for VERY cheap...... :)

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


BCK - I had to send my earliest BR model (864) back for repair. The back light on the display failed completely, and I had no option but to send it back to Roland UK via my local music shop - it was (Just) less than a year old and still under warranty. It was away for several weeks, and in the meantime I came to an arrangement with the shop to purchase the BR900, (that was 5 years ago at least and I've had no probs with the unit). The 864 came back to the shop, and I supplied them the manual. As far as I'm aware the 864 was repaired completely. But the whole episode was a pain in the a*se.  :'(   I did notice that the card slot (on both units) wouldn't take much rough handling before tears would fall. Good luck.

Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


You could remove the bottom cover plate and have a look. If you can see the problem, you may be able to fix it. Pliers probably won't work because the pins are too close together. But you might be able to straighten a bent pin with a small screwdriver.

If removing the bottom cover plate doesn't give you sufficient access to the pins, then you probably won't want to go any further. Just put the cover plate back on and send the BR to Roland. I suspect that they've repaired or replaced many CompactFlash card connectors with bent or broken pins. So, if you phone them, they should be able to give you an estimate of the cost.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Well, I took the back off, but it looks like the connector is an integral part of the motherboard.  I couldn't reach the pins any better with the back off (and the pins are now beyond repair).  I got the back on again, and will call Roland tomorrow, but if it is over $100 or so, it will be more logical to wait for the BR-800.

Will report back after  I speak with Roland tomorrow....

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80


I called Roland Monday, and they told me labor was around $79 as a rough estimate, so I got an RMA and send it off.  Got a call back today, saying it would be $85 or so, including return shipping, which I consider reasonable, and cheaper than purchasing a used BR-864 ($150) or BR-900CD ($300).

So, approximately (excluding phone bill):

1.  UPS to LA (from SB) : $10
2.  Repair/Return            $85

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80