Synchronizing CPU and BR-900

Started by GMartin, April 12, 2010, 07:35:29 AM

Having problem synchronizing CPU – and BR-900.

The objective is to transfer all MIDI song track to an assign track of the BR-900.
The drum track is first loaded in the BR-900 as RHYTHM pattern and arrangement.
Note than standard GM notes as to be carefully converted to the BR-900 12 notes possibility, that's no problem.

Then the BR-900 become the master MIDI clock running Power track or Cakewalk software as the CPU become the slave clock. The CPU than drive my Roland SC-50 sound module which than output is send to line in of the BR-900. I've notice that the MIDI song as to have a resolution of 120 PPQ (pulses per quarter notes). Other wise it will for sure becomes off beat notes, out of synchronism.

When using an old dinosaur W98 desktop going out through pin 15 of the joystick port of a sound blaster sound card and using a regular Joystick to MIDI cable everything is 100% synchronized.

When using my old (about 6 years and 512M ram) Laptop with WXP home edition which is due to the recycling industries soon, doing the communication through Roland EDIROL USB MIDI interface cable, 98 to 100% synchronized. Sometime not noticeable or may have to restart about three quarter of the song. It's easy to notice when doing the first track (Bass track).

Purchase a brand new mini net book; I wanted that for being small for carrying to a gig.
Same setup, EDIROL USB MIDI, the bass note was out of beat after the 15 measure and going worst. Really bad. Returned the CPU to the store.

Try my company Dell Inspiron 9300 which as just been upgraded to 2G of ram and WXP pro. Same setup EDIROL, same song to be sure it wasn't the MIDI song, it got out of synchronisms at about three quarter of the song. A bit better than the mini net book, but not as good as my old Laptop.

Now I'm looking for purchasing a new computer and I'm wondering should I go for a Laptop, when having that much trouble with the USB MIDI devices and no problem with the old dinosaur and joystick to MIDI cable converter.

All mixed up??? if somebody could help me with this I would appreciate. It could be the EDIROL UM-1 that is not fast enough, maybe some other USB to MIDI device are faster I don't know.

For playing live there is no problem with the EDIROL cause one is just driving the sound module, its only one way communication, but as for transferring the song to the BR-900 there is more in and out into the USB communication.

The objective is to have everything on the BR-900 for going out to gig, less equipment, no CPU, no sound module. And eventually replace all tracks with regular instrument being played by human. To get rid of the computerized instrument.

Thanks for any help or ideas.