Anyone noticed this glitch???

Started by Strider44, August 22, 2008, 01:09:40 PM


It could just be my BR but..

When i delete a track (TRK- ERS- ALL) Ill Delete say the guitar track, when i go to re-record that part if i dont press REC and select which non V-track I want, then the track will not record, despite the track being set to record, and the record icon showing and the 'saving' message poping up when i stop recording.

Ive tried and tested this glitch and the remedy is to simply press REC, select which Track you want (1-2-3-4) before you press play.. even if its set to the track you want.

I basicaly got through a few tracks and when i went back to listen; the track i recorded was not there, (even though the record icon appeared during recording) and the V-track was still blank.

It only seems to happen after deleting a track and recording again without re-selecting the track, even though the track will be set to record when/where you want it to.

Anyone feel like veryfying this to make sure its not just my BR??

Play any old riff, then delete the track (TRK-ERS-ALL) then record it again without pressing REC and selecting which non-V track.


i have had a couple of times where im convinced i recorded a part only to find its not there. it could be the result of what you mentioned but saying that, it could be the beer ive drank and ive played play rather than record, but im sure it isnt always the beer, might be early stage demetia, but i like your explanation better. cos i think its happened when ive run out of v tracks and deleted a couple to make space.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


this happens to me regardless of how many V tracks i have, It seems the BR must have a reconfirmation of which non Virtual track you wanna record. 

But like i said it only seems to happen when i select TRK-ERS-ALL and record on the same track without pushing the corresponding button once again.

Would really appreciate someone checking this on there BR!


Quote from: Strider44 on August 22, 2008, 01:09:40 PMif i dont press REC and select which non V-track I want, then the track will not record,

There's no such thing as a "non V-track". Each of the four tracks in the Micro BR is comprised of eight v-tracks, of which one is selected at all times. So, whenever you record anything on the Micro BR, you are always using a v-track.

QuotePlay any old riff, then delete the track (TRK-ERS-ALL) then record it again without pressing REC and selecting which non-V track.

Pressing [REC] puts the Micro BR into Recording Standby mode. You must then tell it which of the four tracks you want to record by pressing one of the [TR1]-[TR4] buttons. Then, when you press [PLAY], recording will begin on the selected track. This must be done every time you record, regardless of whether you've erased a v-track or not. Alternatively, I believe you can "arm" the record track before pressing [REC]. At the normal play screen (but with the recorder stopped), press the CURSOR [<][>] buttons to access the "Rec Track" screen. Then press the desired track button to arm it. Once the track is armed, you can press [REC] to enter Recording Standby mode, then [PLAY] to start recording on the armed track.

If, as you implied, the record track is already armed after you erase a v-track, then you shouldn't have to re-select it. You can simply press [REC] to enter Recording Standby mode, then [PLAY] to begin recording on the armed track. If you fail to press [REC], but instead just press [PLAY], nothing will be recorded, even though a track may be armed. You must always press [REC] before pressing [PLAY] when you want to record.

Another thing you need to be aware of is the location (time/measure) within the song from which you start recording and playing. For example, if you recorded a 3-minute song, then pressed [STOP], and then erased the track, the counter might still be at the 3-minute mark. If you now press [REC] then [PLAY] to re-record the track, then rewind to 0:00:00 and press [PLAY], you won't hear anything because you're playing from 0:00:00 but your recording started at 0:03:00. The moral is to always press the STOP and REWIND buttons together (using the STOP button as a sort of Shift key) before starting to record. This sets the counter to 0:00:00. When you stop the recording, press STOP-REWIND again to return to 0:00:00 before pressing [PLAY] so that you can hear what you recorded from the beginning.

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     My Boss BR website


64, most of what youv told me i already know, but by non-V track i meant selecting one of the 4 'button' tracks before you press PLAY, as opposed to pressing PLAY straight after REC.

"If, as you implied, the record track is already armed after you erase a v-track, then you shouldn't have to re-select it. You can simply press [REC] to enter Recording Standby mode, then [PLAY] to begin recording on the armed track. If you fail to press [REC], but instead just press [PLAY], nothing will be recorded, even though a track may be armed. You must always press [REC] before pressing [PLAY] when you want to record."

I stated in my OP the REC symbol was onscreen, and the storing message came up when i pressed stop.

Play any old riff, then delete the track (TRK-ERS-ALL) then record it again without selecting a track before you push PLAY (after 'arming' it by pressing REC)

^ try this and tell me if it records or not.


Quote from: Strider44 on August 22, 2008, 04:44:08 PMPlay any old riff, then delete the track (TRK-ERS-ALL) then record it again without selecting a track before you push PLAY (after 'arming' it by pressing REC)

^ try this and tell me if it records or not.

This seems to work fine for me.