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The BR600

Started by sad-fingers, April 04, 2010, 03:15:43 PM

Hi my first post here so if this has been asked before just beat me  ;D ;D

I just got myself a BR600 and laid down two tracks.

I then bounced those tracks and mastered them to 7/8 so that I could copy over to my pc however when I try too copy to pc.

If I export track 1 or track two they transfer to pc no problem but obviously as two separate tracks and not what I want and that is both tracks joined hence bouncing and mastering to 7/8 so I can transfer as the full song.

However if I turn the time value to ( export from Tr 7V1 ) the progress bar moves quick unlike it does with tracks 1 and 2 then gives me the ok to transfer to pc however it copies over just as fast as though there is nothing being saved and when I click to play you guessed it NOTHING what am I doing wrong????

The manual ain't much help any advice please?

Regards Sad


It's important to understand V-Tracks so that you know where your recorded tracks are. See this page:

When you export your mastered tracks, the BR-600 screen looks something like this (see pages 167 and 168):

EXPORT       [<-]
 From Tr 1V1

Since you said that you mastered to tracks 7 and 8, you need to use the TIME/VALUE wheel to change it to this:

EXPORT       [<-]
 From Tr78V1

That's assuming that your mastered tracks are on v-track 1. Are they? To find out, go to the V-TRACK screen (see page 56) and press the Track 7/8 button. You should see something like this:

V-TRACK 12345678
Tr78-V1 □□□□□□□

The 8 squares represent the 8 v-tracks for tracks 7/8. Empty squares represent empty v-tracks. Filled squares represent the v-tracks that you've recorded. The square for the currently-selected v-track is underlined. So, in the example above, v-track 1 is currently selected and contains previously recorded data, while v-tracks 2 through 8 are empty.

Check the V-TRACK screen to see which v-track your mastered song is on. Make sure that you select the same v-track on the Export screen. For example, if you discover that your mastered song is on v-track 2 of tracks 7/8, then you have to adjust the Export screen to look like this:

EXPORT       [<-]
 From Tr78V2

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

Thanks for that I will check that latter when I have a moment  and update this as needed.

Cheers Sad