First song I've ever written - "Why"

Started by des0free, April 02, 2010, 12:08:04 AM


Very well done. Doesn't sound like someone's first song. Well written and performed.
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.

kenny mac

Looking back on the comments they really say what this sites all about.
Encouraging talent and supporting people.
I was not a member when this thread started but I remember my 1st dip into the songcrafter pool,I was sitting after a leg operation and jim had told me about  this site ,so I looked it up.
It encouraged me to write a full album that I eventually sold for charity for cancer research,with the help also from Greeny who did the artwork for the cd.
A great tune here that gave someone that boost they needed.
Auria Pro
Roland VS-840
Boss BR-800