Got me a new toy!

Started by AndyR, March 31, 2010, 09:07:33 AM


One of the reasons I stopped posting for a while was that I ran out of spare time.

Another reason was that I'd stopped recording...  :(

This was partly down to time, but also I was getting a bit frustrated with me and my MBR. Everytime I started something, it started turning into a 48 track mega-production... and they take an awful lot of time on an MBR... I ended up not wanting to turn it on even :(

So the solution has just been delivered to my door - a BR1600!  ::)

Even though I'm well used to the Boss approach, I'm a bit of a manual reader, and there's a lot more knobs on it!  :D

So even though I'm mad keen to get stuck into it while I'm on holiday, suddenly the MBR has regained it's attractiveness as a scratch-pad and demo tool - RESULT!  ;D

I've got a couple of one-take vocal and accoutic demos I did on it last night around midnight. I was going to rehearse them some more and start setting up mics etc with the BR1600, but I think I might master them as they are on the MBR and post on here as demos before I get stuck into using the BR1600 for some "virtual-band" production.
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


I've had one for a few years so feel free to pick my brain.




Thanks for that Blooby, that's good to know.

I've not even powered it up yet. I've also acquired an archtop guitar at the same time. So two new toys, one of which I can make work by just touching it... guess which one I'm playing with at the moment :D
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


i'm wet with anticipation as to what you can achieve on the br1600 andy wet. hurry up .
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Congratulations on the acquisitions, Andy.
I want one tooooo!   :D (the 1600...)
Tascam DP-24
Cakewalk SONAR
Boss Micro BR
These days I merely dabble at being old and wise.
But I swear, I used to absolutely excel at being young and stupid.


Trust me, you won't regret the investment.  I've had one for about 3 years too.  The flexibility of having a few more tracks is great.  The benefits of reducing the number of bounces is difficult to overstate. 

Again if there is anything I can help with, feel free to ask - and enjoy.



Ha! the first tangle with the BR1600 is complete :)

'Twas extremely good fun...

The speed with which you can work up doubled three part harmony is absolute bliss :)

I'm now waiting for the, er, "blessed thing" to back it itself up over USB on my laptop ... this is gonna take for ever!! (Them demo songs is getting deleted pretty darn quick after this backup is done!).

Anyway, once tis done, I can then reconnect my little MBR's chip to the pc again, and get the mp3 version off ... and post it on here...

That's one of only two surprises with the BR1600 so far - no mp3 export!! (I'm just too cheap to get a converter - my MBR does all my mp3 stuff). So I had to export WAV to the pc, stick on the MBR chip, import it into a song on there, export it as mp3... (where it sounds FAB and extremely loud) and now I'm waiting for a free USB socket on this laptop...

The second surprise was that the Master Toolkit apparently only works on track 9/10 - I used to use the MBR's Master kit on most "submix" bounces to get the different parts of the huge ensemble "tamed" before the final mix... This will involve a lot of moving submixes about on the BR1600 (assuming I use that many tracks all the time... umm... well... guess what... I did on my first demo/try-out!!  ::) :D ;D)

I didn't bother on this first demo - just used the Master Toolkit once on the final mix - didn't plan too much advance, wasn't even expecting it to come out "finished" - so the recording's a little bit "out of control" in places...  :D

Flippin eck, this thing is still backing up! :o

Quote from: oldrottenhead on March 31, 2010, 11:34:19 AMi'm wet with anticipation as to what you can achieve on the br1600 andy wet. hurry up .

Don't get too excited there orh  :D
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Quote from: AndyR on April 04, 2010, 10:17:58 AMHa! the first tangle with the BR1600 is complete :)

That's one of only two surprises with the BR1600 so far - no mp3 export!! (I'm just too cheap to get a converter - my MBR does all my mp3 stuff). So I had to export WAV to the pc, stick on the MBR chip, import it into a song on there, export it as mp3... (where it sounds FAB and extremely loud) and now I'm waiting for a free USB socket on this laptop...

The second surprise was that the Master Toolkit apparently only works on track 9/10 - I used to use the MBR's Master kit on most "submix" bounces to get the different parts of the huge ensemble "tamed" before the final mix... This will involve a lot of moving submixes about on the BR1600 (assuming I use that many tracks all the time... umm... well... guess what... I did on my first demo/try-out!!  ::) :D ;D)

Don't get too excited there orh  :D

That seems like a bit of a long winded way to turn a song into an mp3. I burn all my songs as an audio CD then rip it using windows media player if I want to convert to mp3.  Also I tend not to use the master toolkit on interim bounces.  But if you really want to, its not much trouble to copy the mastered track from 9/10 to the next free virtual track on, say, 1/2.  It does it almost instantly.

I have to say that I've never bothered to back up the BR1600 to my pc.  I back up individual song projects to CD.  Its a lot quicker.



Yeah, I think I might do the same thing in future (backup song projects to CD) - the backup has just finished... over 6 hours!! :D
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1


Quote from: AndyR on April 04, 2010, 03:56:46 PMYeah, I think I might do the same thing in future (backup song projects to CD) - the backup has just finished... over 6 hours!! :D

Blimey - 6 hours is outrageous - especially as presumably that is just for the demo songs and a few experimental songs.  I wonder how long it would take if you had a couple of albums of material on there.
