Got me a new toy!

Started by AndyR, March 31, 2010, 09:07:33 AM


I wonder if it's backing up the operating system as well?  I guess that might explain the time it takes to transfer...

Having said that, I thought I read somewhere that the operating system resided somewhere else in the machine rather than the hard drive.  Apparently it is not difficult to replace the hard drive if it fails but presumably you would need to reinstall the operating system if that was where is was loaded?  Perhaps I should back up the full contents of the drive....that could take the next month with what I've got on there.



No it was just really slow moving files. The entire backup is 2.47 Gb (5 songs, 4 of which are the demos, plus various other folders).

Even moving the exported WAV of a finished song, only 18Mb in my example, was noticably slow - it went like greased lightening across other drives when the BR wasn't involved.

I have a feeling it's the version of USB that takes the time - don't quote me on this though! - I think Boss has 1.0 on there? I seem to remember that the MBR has that, and it takes an age using USB to transfer files from that - I ended getting one of those USB Card reader thingies. Unfortunately not an option on the BR1600.

I think I'll regard this backup as the "base installation" and try backing up a completed project to CD next time. When I was doing long projects on the MBR, I always backed up after every session though ... at this rate I'll end up spending more time watching file transfers than listneing to playbacks! :lol:

Anyway, aside from the mildly annoying time to backup (exacerbated by the windows prediction of "time remaining" being completely off the map from begining to end - another thing that makes me suspect the BR and its USB), I am SO impressed with the BR1600.

The MBR has some serious advantages over its big brother - portability and this wonderful "informal" feeling and approach it gives you to recording - so I won't stop playing with it. But the BR1600 just makes some stuff so luxuriously easy to do.

Wanna do doubled-up four-part harmony on a chorus? No problem... 8 vocals done in the time it takes to sing them, pan/eq/compress them, stereo mix bounced... copy and paste it throughout the song, job done... and because it was so painless, if you don't like the mix, or perhaps you even want to redo them, you don't have hours of work to discard in order to do it!
PreSonus Studio One

(Studio 68c 6x6)
   All that I need
Is just a piece of paper
To say a few lines
Make up my mind
So she can read it later
When I'm gone

- BRM Gibb
AndyR is on

   The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
FAWM 2022 Demos
Remasters Vol 1