how do i SAVE unfinished tracks?

Started by bzq, August 17, 2008, 09:52:31 AM


HI everyone, would love some advice.....
basically i am using the MBR to record songwriting ideas...
here's some basic info i need...

lets call this idea SONG#1....
but after i record SONG#1 on all 4 tracks and complete and do i save SONG#1 and then be able to come back to them later?

also after i save SONG#1( with your advice) , how do i begin SONG idea#2 without erasing SONG#1?

how do i recall them back also?

basically i would like to start a backlog/track list of my song ideas into the able to call them back to review them later etc etc...

thanks a million......


You can save a song along with current settings by pressing STOP and RECORD together. Even if you dont do this the song will still be there when you come back to it. You can name a song to make it easier to find using UTILITY ... SNG ... NAM, delete the song number and rename using =/- and >.
To make a new song, UTILITY ... SNG ... NEW ... EXE.
To select a song, UTILITY ... SNG ... SEL ... +/_ to find the song, then EXE.

Use the TR 1-4 buttons for options that are displayed on screen, for example, EXE is on TR4 when selecting a song.

Dont forget that you are not limited to the 4 tracks, you can bounce them to 2 v tracks and keep adding to the song.

Also you can mix and master your song to WAV or MP3 and store in the MP3 folder, or transfer to PC.

Instructions here...