Mastering Terminology - Mixdown & Premaster

Started by puffymaster, August 15, 2008, 04:09:03 PM

I was wondering what the difference is between Mixdown and Premaster when I'm in the Mastering mode. I get "pop mix, dancehall, jingle, etc..." but not why I would use either mixdown or premaster, unless it's because I'm going to export it to some other software for mixing and mastering?

Can't wait to take an audio production program when I'll actually be able to understand all the terminology in the manual!


I dont really know this myself, I tend to bounce with Mixdown, or Soft Compression if I am doing the instrument tracks. I do sometimes master with Premaster as it gives a pretty full sound. Mostly I work through the presets and use the one I feel sounds best for the song. If I am going to master on the PC I download the individual tracks, mix in Audition and master with Ozone, bypassing the Boss mastering stage altogether. I do get better results this way, but PC access is a problem so still use the MBR a lot.