BR-900 Effect Patch

Started by GMartin, March 23, 2010, 07:45:21 AM

Is there an explicative document or could somebody do an small step on how to add different effect to a guitar input.
Example; Guitar input - Distortion effect - Phaser effect - Other effect.
Making it like live actual pedal box, Guitar - Dist- Phaser - Other.

Thanks !


First, you have to choose one of the 16 available algorithms (pages 88 through 92 in the BR-900 manual). These determine which effects are available and the order in which they are chained together. For the example you described, you'd want algorithm 1:COSM GTR AMP since it includes both the preamp/speaker modeller (for distortion) and a phaser effect. There isn't anywhere in the BR-900 to actually select the algorithm. Instead, you need to select a preset patch that uses that algorithm. You can then modify the patch to suit your needs and save it in the User patch bank or Song patch bank. The patch list on pages 202 through 204 tells you which algorithm is used in each preset patch. As you can see, many of them use the COSM GTR AMP algorithm. Select any one.

Now that you've selected the preset patch you want to modify, press the Cursor Right button to select [EDIT] and press the Enter button. The display will now show the algorithm like this:


However, the small display can only show a couple of effects at a time, so you have to use the Cursor Left and Cursor Right buttons to scroll through the list. Effects that are switched On are in uppercase. Effects that are switched Off are in lowercase. So, in the example above, the eq/wah, mod, and delay effects are switched off. Everything else is on. To toggle an effect on/off, move the cursor to it then turn the TIME/VALUE wheel. So, if you don't want the compressor, move the cursor to [COMP] and turn the TIME/VALUE wheel until it changes to [comp] indicating that it's off. See page 85 of the BR-900 manual.

The Phaser is a modulation effect. To turn it on, move the cursor to [mod] and turn the TIME/VALUE wheel to switch it on. Then press Enter to edit the parameters of the Mod effect. Use the Cursor Left and Cursor Right buttons to scroll through the list of parameters. The first parameter merely shows whether the Mod effect is on or off. You can change it with the TIME/VALUE wheel. If it's On, the next parameter is Type. Turn the TIME/VALUE wheel until Type is PHASER. The remaining parameters apply only to the phaser. They are Rate, Depth, Manual, and Resonance. Each modulation effect specified in Type shows a different set of parameters specific to that modulation effect. Only one modulation effect can be selected at a time. See pages 93 through 101 for details on all the parameters for each effect.

Once you've set all the effects parameters to your liking, save the patch in the Song or User bank. See page 86 of the BR-900 manual.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

Thanks for the info, I will try this tonight.
Looks quite easy,easyer that in the manual only.
