Mixing and Bouncing

Started by Tangled Wires, August 13, 2008, 07:02:07 AM

Tangled Wires

I currently have a song which so far consists of the following..

Track 1 - Acoustic Rythym guitar
Track 2 - Lead Guitar
Track 3 - Electric Rythym guitar
Track 4 - Keyboards

I will need 2 more tracks, one for bass and one for vocals, so intend to bounce the four tracks above onto 2 tracks.

I was altering the volume levels, reverb etc of each of the four tracks last night, but was wondering what happens when these tracks are bounced. Do these settings stay the same on the bounced track (eg if I set the volume level of the acoustic guitar to 120 and the lead guitar to 100), and they were bounced to one track, would these settings transfer over, or as they would effectively become one track would they both transfer over at the same volume level, reverb setting etc?

Any help would be much appreciated


Boss Micro BR


Yes. What you hear in the pre-mix is exactly what will transfer to the bounced tracks. Panning, everything. If you are using the RHYTHM feature, and don't want it bounced as well, turn it off before you BOUNCE record, or it will transfer to the new BOUNCED tracks.

Tangled Wires

Thank you Farmjazz..

If I were to start altering the settings on the bounced track then would this overwrite any settings for each of the individual tracks that I had done prior to the bounce?

As an example..

Track 1 - Volume 100
Track 2 - Volume 110

If these were bounced to 1 track and I increase the volume by say 5, would this mean that Track 1 would go to 105 and Track 2 to 115, or would both tracks be set at the amended volume on the bounced track?

Boss Micro BR


QuoteIf these were bounced to 1 track and I increase the volume by say 5, would this mean that Track 1 would go to 105 and Track 2 to 115, or would both tracks be set at the amended volume on the bounced track?

I'm not sure I get your meaning. When you bounce tracks 1,2,3,4 to two empty stereo-linked tracks, all settings go with it. Volume, everything. If the volume is too low, or too high the MICRO BR doesn't care. After the bounce, I believe the volume level on the newly bounced tracks is 100. You can change that if you wish, either together while linked, or separately (unlink them first). I would think you would try and get a good mix before you bounce and be done with it.

Always check the bounced result before you continue working. Set the v tracks to the newly bounced ones and listen to that ONLY. If you like it, good. If not, re-do the bounce until you like it and then you can move on. Try adding the RHYTHM back into it as you listen back, too - just to be sure everything is syncing-up, etc. 

Tangled Wires

Thanks once again, as you say I think they key is getting the right settings before you bounce

Boss Micro BR

Tangled Wires

Just another question in relation to the bouncing...

On my four tracks that I have recorded, I have panned 2 of my tracks to L50 and 2 to R50.

When I bounce these to two tracks will i need to pan them again in the same way? (ie 1 track L50 and the other to R50)

Boss Micro BR


Yes, pan the two tracks that you have bounced to full out to get the full stereo field.