partial cover of the 'Lemon Song' by Led Zeppelin

Started by buffalo chip, February 27, 2010, 12:55:04 PM

What do you people in the big old world think of it?
Any tonal sound improvements I can do?
Constructive criticism?


Hey guys... this is my guitar buddy finally posting. After months of persuasion I finally got him to join... Without further aaddddoooo I give you the "THE GREAT WHITE BUFFALO CHIP". I'm listening to his post right now. I think this is the same version that I posted earlier. We did so many of these takes I think we've hit this tune at least a couple of times in our last 3 sessions. Anyhow... I'm really likin The PZM drum sound. Sounds like you added some guitar tracks ehhh.  Great job on the guitar and welcome. Yes...Welcome BC... it's about time you crossed over to the other side.


Tascam DP-02

Tony W

For constructive criticism, I'd start off with cutting out all the silence in the beginning of the song. I reloaded the page twice, checked to see if I had hit the mute button and went from there.

I'd double all your tracks to make them stereo and pan them out left and right accordingly. I'm have extensive hearing loss in my left ear, so I kept having to flip the cans. The drums and lead are in the left channel, the rhythm is in the right correct? Definitely make this stereo and pan in steps, and stagger your panning.

I can't give you any tips on levels, at this point, but I think the levels were set well.

your performance is fantastic. The music is really well done. were those live drums? If they were, they sound like they were well recorded to me. I can't get this kind of recording quality out of my acoustic set, how did you do it? Did you do each instrument? Each instrument was extremely well played.

With a little production work, and I highly recommend that you play with this particular song, it will be a kick ass rocker.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR

Tony W

Oh, and welcome to the forum! I hope you don't take all that as harsh, because in actuality you ROCK

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Guys, that was so fluid sounding!! Drums and guitars kicked ass! Wow!! I would have loved to have heard the whole thing!!

Frickin' sweeeeeeeet!! What can I say?

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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That sounds like it was a fun session.  Great Zep vibe.  I gave up on it twice though because of the long silence at the start.  Cursed the internet SP  - but fortunately stuck with it until the music started.  Glad I did.  Overall a bit quiet though?


Sorry about the long silence at the start....
I went ahead and fast forwarded to the lemon song part that we did. I mistakenly thought that when I mastered it, it would start at the spot I intended. I was a little disappointed about the mishap. Also, when I recorded this, I used a pzm hooked into my BR, and had the pzm mic about two feet away from the drum set. That is it. I screwed up and recorded it in Mono, so I went ahead and recorded a guitar track and added it to the mix.
Thanks for the comments! I will send more zep stuff soon. I also have some stevie Ray Vaughn covers I do, but my buddy rat a tat tat doesn't like to sing em! Maybe you all can get him to grease up his vocal cords and help me lay some note for note tracks down?
--Buffalo chip


nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!