My First Real Song

Started by psychmusic, August 06, 2008, 08:36:52 PM


Ok, here is my first attempt at an original song. It has no title. Being a novice, I wanted to keep it simple. Feedback about the song and recording is welcome and requested. I am still learning about the BR. This is a work in progress as I intend to re-record with changes.


I like it! You have a great voice and I'm intrigued by your lyrics. The guitar solo could use a bit of work and I think the rhythm guitar could use some cleaning up as well, perhaps through a richer sound effect over it or remaster it. Either way, its a great first song! Bravo!!!
Without music, life would be a mistake.
-Friedrich Nietzsche


Nice song! Try copying the rhythm to a new track, or better still play it again as close as possible, and pan the two tracks out quite wide. Bounce these two tracks and the solo to a stereo pair with soft compression, then add the vocal and do your master. Dont forget a bit of verb to blend it all together.


Thank you for the nice feedback. Like I said, this is a work in progress. I am still getting used to the BR. I have no recording experience, so bouncing, panning, and all that stuff is a bit confusing.

This has been how I have been working. Again, any feedback would be great.

Firstly, I i have been using a PODX3---->BR. With this device you can use both a mic and guitar at the same time. 

I lay down a "dummy" track with rough guitar and vocals on one track. Then I go back and re-do the vocals. Then, I re-do the rhythm track. Finally, I do a guitar solo.  I go and do a mastering. I am not sure what bouncing would do or what the benefit of this would be.


When you bounce tracks you are combining 2 or more individual tracks to one (usually stereo) track. You can use effects during this process. So.... if you have used all 4 V1 tracks, you can bounce them to tracks 1&2 v2, so freeing up tracks 3 & 4 for reuse. In the case I suggested you are bouncing the tracks to use the compression master preset on them and improve the sound, then adding the uncompressed vocal, which sounds fine (to my ears) anyway so does not need the processing. You will then master it all to MP3 using whatever preset sounds good.

Panning is setting the position of a track (or instrument) in the stereo field. If you are listening to a CD on a stereo with decently positioned speakers you can hear the instruments coming from different places, not straight out of the speaker. This is the effect you are creating. Also if you leave it all "down the middle" at pan 0 it all gets muddled up together and you lose a lot of detail from the individual instruments.

Try it mate, I am confident that you will like the results!


Otd Bump 2008, great sounding vox.... Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


great 1st attempt guitar could do with being thicker in sound , and the vocal , but great 1st song superb ......cheers tony cee
Zoom HD16


the lyrics are intense and so well known throughout the I can identify with the pain portrayed by the artist... wonder if this song ever got would make a fantastic recording...
the lyrics and singing draw you right in...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner