Religion and Forum Continuity Do Not Mix

Started by Tony W, February 17, 2010, 08:05:40 AM

Tony W

I'm noticing a disturbing trend developing, and I may be alone in this, but I thought I would see your opinions.

I'm noticing an increase in posts with religious based text in them. Without trying to sound like a basher, I want to express why I feel that this isn't the place for it. Bear in mind that I do not want to offend our new members, but I also don't want to be offended, or see others being offended.

The members of Songcrafters have done an excellent job of not posting religious or political content which can lead to controversy. I think most people here are well aware that we are a multi-national, and more importantly a multi-religion based community. We are members of a music based community This is why we have all found our way here.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't post songs about your Deity. That is fantastic, I'm glad that you have a faith to believe in. I along with others cringe when I see this forum turning into a pulpit, a podium, or a soapbox to profess something that isn't strictly musically related.

Am I bashing? no. I want a peaceful experience every time I log on here. I want you to show me the same respect as I want to show to you. If you want to shout it from the mountain tops, That's fantastic. There are Mountain tops dedicated for shouting. If you want to post music that is meaningful to you, then this is the place, but it isn't necessary to add in the associated text that goes with it. You're message is being delivered with the click of the play button.

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I'm not offended, Tony, and most of us here choose not to be an embarrassment to our faith, whatever that may be. Not sure what to do about it, but you have summed it up in a way that makes sense to me.

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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Well said. I'd noticed this too, and it's a tricky issue for sure. There's one particular athiest-themed song I wrote and recorded that I wouldn't dare post on here (or on soundclick), for fear of offending believers of all faiths. It's actually pretty funny, but people with extreme fundamental beliefs may not think so. So I've kept it to myself.

That said, I've managed to sneak various athiest-orientated lyrics and themes within my songs, but would never draw attention to them. As you say, it's up to listeners to take what they want from a lyric. And often mine are ambiguous enough not to be offensive or obvious.

I think politics is a more difficult area. I almost started WWIII on here a while back with a particularly political lyric. It was quickly taken out of context and used as a soapbox for some very extreme and racist views - which was nothing to do with the theme of the song! It just turned out to be too provocative. And I wouldn't do it again, that's for sure.

But politics is part of music whether we like it or not. Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Donovan, John Lennon and loads of other artists put politics in their songs. Music has always been the voice of change and protest. But maybe not at the expense of keeping the peace on a happy forum like this.

To me, being a nice person is what counts. And to do that on a music forum doesn't require any belief in anything other that kindness, support and friendship.


i would have to remove 80% of my songs then as there is seepage from politics and my personal beliefs into most things i write. most of my belief based songs are about thinking for yourself and challenging any form of dogma be it religious, political, racist or whatever. one thing i do get a bit dogmatic about tho is censorship, in my opinion there should be none.
so if someone posts a song about the flying spaghetti monster or whatever deity the follow so be it we dont have to listen,but thats the price of free speech.
 that said like greeny i have some very funny songs on a variety of subjects that i would never post for public consumption.

pm me if you want to hear any.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


That's the great thing about a forum, TV, Radio, Video game, Newspaper, Book, etc.

YOU decide whether you want to pay any attention to it.

Some people just want to share their "joy" with others. The problem is some people just like to "Troll" for people start conflict with. This types of threads should just be locked, and the poster given a warning.

I also posted a song a while back that could maybe be considered "religous" but I never even considered it until after I had posted it. After reflecting, I came to the conclusion that my song could relate to someone, anyone or no-one, and it wouldn't matter to me. It's just the way I felt at the time.

I agree with ORH. Censorship is a slippery slope. Just about everything could be offensive to someone. I'm sure most of us love the fact that this is a multi-national, multi-faith community, and we all seem to get along petty well. This forum is a shining example of toleration and cooperation.

I would say if a person is posting songs or topics that you don't agree with, just don't click on them. Eventually they will dry up and float away to another forum.

Just my .02
It ain't pretty being easy.

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Tony W

I'm not screaming censorship, as a matter of fact I'm opposed to censorship. I just don't want to read text regarding a singular God when there are multiple religions represented on this forum. It opens the door for WWIV ( I remember Tim's WWIII very well). Had that song been posted without an apology preceding it, it would have never escalated.

I listen to anything and everything. I enjoy music of all kinds. I've got plenty of song ideas that I won't post here as well out of respect to those who may not share my sense of humor.

The point is simply respect. I'll listen to religious songs all day if that's what is posted. I'll listen to atheist songs all day if that's what's posted. What I don't want is to read something that can lead to controversy, and Religious differences have taken their toll on civilization as long as there has been civilization. I'd rather focus on the music, not wondering how my friend of a different faith is going to feel about posted text.

By the way Jim.... Start firing me all your songs, Tim too!

Boss BR-800

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Boss Micro BR


sorry, i just ran over your dogma with my karma...

all seriousness aside.

i only find any subjects like politics, religion or sexual orientation offensive when it's in my face. more so when i haven't asked for it.

who you vote for, pray to or frolic with should stay with you.

"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

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Quote from: Tony W on February 17, 2010, 10:33:50 AM( I remember Tim's WWIII very well). Had that song been posted without an apology preceding it, it would have never escalated.

You're right. It was the apology and not the song that caused the trouble. It was a good intention on my part that turned very sour. And a good lesson in keeping your mouth shut and letting the song speak for itself... lol


I've noticed the religious comments in posts too and have been very concerned about it but I wasn't sure how to handle it. After reading your comments and thinking about it some more, I've decided that we need a forum policy on this issue.

So, from now on...

Promoting or proclaiming religious beliefs in forum messages is unacceptable. I will remove religious comments from messages and warn the poster via PM.

The trickier issue is religious content in lyrics. I think we have to allow some religious content in lyrics. However, if someone comes along and posts nothing but religious songs, then that is clearly evangelism and this isn't the place for it. That much is pretty clear (to me, at least). But what about a single post of a very religious song? How about three posts? Where do we draw the line? I don't think we want to ban all religious songs. Yet, we don't want someone promoting their religion via lyrics either. I suppose it's not something that we can make a clear rule on. I'll probably just have to decide on each case when it comes up. What are your thoughts?

Also, if we're going to allow religious content in lyrics, then we have to also allow atheist content, satanism, etc. How will the religious folks feel about that? I think people should be allowed to express their personal views through lyrics, as long as they're not too preachy or persistent.

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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Quote from: 64Guitars on February 17, 2010, 10:46:24 AMI think people should be allowed to express their personal views through lyrics, as long as they're not too preachy or persistent.

That was well said - I've been here for almost a year, and have noticed that the posting etiquette has been more or less immaculate. It just started to get out of hand recently. I think that is the point here. All the music should ring on, however, as the poster sees fit, no matter what type of music it is.
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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