
Started by bluujam, July 30, 2008, 02:38:03 AM

Hello there, i was wondering if its possible to upload a wav/mp3 file and plce that onto one of the vtracks, as i dont really want vocals on a piece im doing but more like an extract from a film.



Yes, you can transfer an MP3 or WAV from your computer to the MBR and then import that into a V track in a new song.

- Transfer the MP3 to the MP3 folder on the BR
- Create a new song
- Select a Vtrack, then press Utility ->TRK ->IMP
- Select the MP3 to import

This is a very cool feature of the MBR !



Hello again,

The steps above should be enough to get you going, but see this thread as well:


Cheers for the post rob, great ill try that and see how it goes, you learn something new everyday with the MBR its great


the easiest way to sample things is to use the mic, and record it directly from youtube or wherever you want it from.  Might take some timing but its a lot simpler.


Quote from: Strider44 on August 09, 2008, 01:00:56 PMthe easiest way to sample things is to use the mic, and record it directly from youtube or wherever you want it from.  Might take some timing but its a lot simpler.

Never thought of that, another use for this fantastic toy  ;D