Track combining

Started by nixonsoulcrew, July 24, 2008, 08:40:37 PM

Sure this has been answered before, but i cant find it anywhere...forums or videos.  I've got a song with two guitar tracks and uploaded them to my computer.  Upload went fine but it came out in two tracks.  How do I combine the two tracks in to one track?  Thanks.


Did you use the Roland WAV converter to do that? You don't need to, you can create a mixdown on the MBR, just press UTILITY twice to get to the mastering screen, pick an EFFECT pre-set and record to two tracks. You can save the mix as WAV or MP3.

If you want to do it on the PC, try downloading Audacity. It is a free DAW that works very well for many people.

Instructions here...


Quote from: nixonsoulcrew on July 24, 2008, 08:40:37 PMI've got a song with two guitar tracks and uploaded them to my computer.  Upload went fine but it came out in two tracks.  How do I combine the two tracks in to one track?  Thanks.

I suspect that the problem is not that you got two tracks since you want two tracks for stereo. Rather, the problem is that you got two files -- one for each track. Instead, you probably want the two tracks to be saved in a single stereo wave file. In the BR Wave Converter software, this can easily be accomplished by clicking the [L/R] stereo link button directly below the two destination tracks you've selected. It will turn green as shown in the image below.

Also, you need to create a stereo mix of your tracks on the Micro BR. This is explained on pages 50-51 of the Micro BR manual under "Putting multiple tracks together (Bounce)". You would then export the 2-track stereo mix to a wave file using either the BR or the BR Wave Converter software.
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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig

This shit gets confusing, thanks though...I'll try it that way.