Drunken Blues Marsh, Fanfarre or something...

Started by tackium, July 23, 2008, 07:17:57 AM


Hi again.
I'm doing this for a friend who got penis envy at the good reviews of my little gilmoure clip. So he wants some good reviews too, ok? (just joking).
So I captured him having fun with a Squire affinity strat. I didn't pay attention to the pickups but he ussualy loves the neck and eventually switches to bridge, ignoring the middle most of the time. I don't remember the preset, but when I checked back it was at twangster. I don't think that's the one used though. His favorite is usually Country lead, but I don't think that was the one here either.
The rythm is blues 2 at 75. He did both guitars, I did the rythm arrangement.

I recomend at least two alcoholic beverages before reviewing this one...hope you like it.

P.S. We beleive this is completely original (we are sometimes surprised thinking we've come up with something only to notice later it sounds exactly like such and such...) so for what it's worth we would like to reserve our copyright to whatever extent possible, please respect that, thank you.


That's one hell of a big full sound you guys came up with. I like the way it just about hangs together, it got that late night drunken jam feeling, hic!   ;)
Keep on rocking in the free world :)


I don't like that drum pattern  :( Would redo it with an alternative. Playing was fine tho, nice sound!


Yes the pattern is dull. The thing is it was that pattern which inspired the guy for the rest. So taking it off now woud take away the whole original spark.

I mean, if I had presented the guy with another rythm at that time, he probably would have played something also different.

This was a spontaneous improv. above the rythm he was listening to. Not planned.


You also did not have the two recommended drinks now did you?


Sorry but I didn't have the recommended 2 alcoholic drinks to listen to your tune, it's only 9am so give me a break. Still liked your tune though. I like the spontanious feel to it, wouldn't change a thing.


Very nice, it has that story telling quality to it that kept me listening all the way through.



Thanks to all for your valuable comments. I'll pass them along to the author.
Listening to it again now I noticed we added a bass at some point, and tha'ts the one that must have been at the "twangster" setting. He did the bass himself too.

This guy had abandoned the guitar for a long long time when he played mostly Metal and is now comming back with an interest in Blues. All because of my litle BR. He's all pent up with creativity inside and the stuff I'm recording from him is simply wonderful. If I could only convince him to get a real guitar...

Take this little joke tune. I hear Thin Lizzy there, and The Beatles (yellow submarine?) and even some Van Halen.

In what he's doing now I hear Stevey Ray, BB king, amd Hendrix. So I'm having a Great time with my friend and the BR.