Windows Vista

Started by Bigsky, July 19, 2008, 08:58:22 AM


I am trying to put some songs I've done on my computer, I am running Windows Vista and seem to be having a problem. I am not very computer savy at all, I also use Winamp instead of windows media player because it supports more formats. Any suggestions on how to make this happen? Thanks in advance for any help.



The Micro BR works with Vista, it will show up as an additional drive letter.  You should be able to drag songs into and out of the MPS folder and store them anywhere on your PC.  you could then use the media player of your choice to play the files back.

Hope this helps,



I have just changed from XP and noticed no real difference as far as the MBR is concerned  ....  other things suck, such as my camcorder drivers are not supported  >:(
Anyhow .... just plug in to a USB port with a standard D connector , choose open folder to view files in the windows explorer popup and go to the MP3 folder. You will see all your mastered songs, which you can then drag to your desktop or other folders. You can also drag files (backing tracks etc) to the MP3 folder, which you can then load into a song on the MBR.
Before disconnecting the USB cable, do Start ... computer. Along with your hard drive(s) you will see the MBR. You can open it from here ... but more to the point right click on it and choose "eject" in the popup .. MBR will display "safe to disconnect". This prevents possible damage to the SD card. For the same reason switch the MBR off whilst making the connection too!