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Started by Geir, January 20, 2010, 07:18:57 AM


First recording with the new bass is here:

I DID try to use three fingers ... just two where cooperative, but I think it turned out alright ..
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Dude, nice buy, that bass is IDENTICAL to mine!, colour and everything!!!  ;D ;D
It's a beautiful bass, you'll love it, I've used it for a range of different styles and it's coped with all of them brilliantly.
Well it sounds to me like you've nailed the sound in "Lady Madonna"
Well done, I'm sure this bass will serve you well
Just one question, what amp are you using it through. I presume that for recording you plugged it straight into the micro BR, but what kind of amp do you have for practice?
"A guitarist spends half his life tuning, and the other half playing out of tune"


Quote from: bannybassman on January 23, 2010, 03:33:52 AMDude, nice buy, that bass is IDENTICAL to mine!, colour and everything!!!  ;D ;D
It's a beautiful bass, you'll love it, I've used it for a range of different styles and it's coped with all of them brilliantly.
Well it sounds to me like you've nailed the sound in "Lady Madonna"
Well done, I'm sure this bass will serve you well
Just one question, what amp are you using it through. I presume that for recording you plugged it straight into the micro BR, but what kind of amp do you have for practice?
Thanx for the feedback banny !! It IS a cool bass, and does have all the options I need for tweaking the sound ....

You're right about the recording, straight to the mbr ("Bass Cln" patch).

I don't have a bass amp, and probably won't get one anytime soon. I don't see me using it much live, and if I should need to do that I'll borrow one ore use an old 15 inch selfmade speaker-cab and a Marshall power-amp I've got stored away. .... or just plug it in the mixer through the mbr.

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Nice Bass man, I bought a cheap one a while back too so I could lay my own bass tracks and yea, that bass clean patch works great. On a side note I love plugging the bass into my guitar rig and playing some cliff buton style "pulling teeth" basses sound so awesome with distortion, wah and pitch shifting :)


I too really need a new bass guitar. I've been struggling with an old Westone Concorde I for years now. I just don't suit it, or it just doesn't suit me. It's worth about £2.50 (not including P & P), so I won't lose much when I finally set fire to it in an attempt to stay warm, when the oil central heating runs out!!

Thinking of getting on of these JHS Vintage V940's:

Don't look too bad, apparently sound pretty good ... and ... more importantly at this time of deep depression ... they're cheap.

Flash Harry

Vintage make some nice guitars, but make sure you play it and check the intonation. Some are a bit approximate.

I nearly damaged my fingers on one, the frets were hanging off the side of the fret board and were very sharp.

Have a look at the Aria's too. They have nice pickups and good tone generally.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


Cheers Flash;
I'll try & track some down locally.
Failing that, I'll just have to take a punt on an e-bay special!!
Cost is very important to me currently. I'm down to my last few magic beans & am desperately selling stuff I don't use to raise some groats.


Quote from: SharksDontSleep on February 07, 2010, 05:36:53 AMThinking of getting on of these JHS Vintage V940's

Don't look too bad, apparently sound pretty good ... and ... more importantly at this time of deep depression ... they're cheap.

I've got a vintage fretless, it's a really nice bass. Really well made and sounds great
"A guitarist spends half his life tuning, and the other half playing out of tune"

Speed Demon

Geir, I've played bass with bands for many years and I've always approached the instrument as if I was playing lead guitar. Smooth fluid runs that mate with what the drums are doing, and compliment the guitar as well in certain passages. Chording on it, string bends, hammers, as well as slaps and string popping against the frets. Use every technique in your bag of magic tricks. Invent new ones. Be creative.
Out of it all will come your own unique playing style and sound.


Boss eBand JS-8

Adobe Audition

There is room for all of God's creatures.
Right next to my mashed potatoes.


I thought I would ask a stupid question for my first post. I was curious if there would be any problems takeing a 4 string bass and stringing it with a B E A D from a 5 string set.