Getting An Even, Clear Sounding Strum.....

Started by TomH86, July 11, 2008, 09:34:00 PM


Hey all,

I see myself as more of a finger - picker and have neglected my rhythm playing for the two and some yers ive been playing guitar for.

Anyway, now Im determined to learn rhythm/ strumming properly...Im starting from the ground up..From the most simple patterns, slowly moving my way through to the more complex stuff...

Just interested in any tips/advice you may have for me...


A good pick is important. I like more soft/flexible picks when it comes to strumming.

Just remember to have your right hand moving all the time in a nice even motion, even if you are not touching the strings.


Playing with feeling is more important than technique. And messing around with chord shapes and capos always adds to the fun.

I tend to alternate between strums and arpeggios to add a bit of colour / variation, plus a few bluegrass-style hammer ons and pull-offs.

Just get into the feel of the song and see where your strumming hand takes you.

I use Fender medium picks as standard, but occasionally go for something much lighter when I need a softer, shimmery feel.

I also tend to pan left (sometimes all the way over) with the acoustic guitar. It just seems to compliment the songs better over there.


Hands down, the best way to practice and improve strumming is doing so with either a metronome or a drum machine. This is especially helpful with tricky, off-beat or syncopated rythyms as it forces you to keep in time... or you'll immediately know if you are off.

otherwise, check out , or google guitar lessons online for some really good strumming lessons.
