Screen Gems

Started by Ferryman_1957, December 31, 2009, 02:28:45 AM


Thanks for the comments everyone, it's good to actually have posted some music for a change (I hope to be under less pressure at work in 2010 so hopefully there will be more on the way). Glad the mix is generally sounding OK - I may play with "proper" mastering in a DAW with a spectrum analyzer - have been reading a bit about that.

@ Flash and Tharek - we are hoping to do some live stuff. Our goal this year is to try to get 2-3 gigs at local festivals just to have a bit of fun and actuially get out there and play live. Will keep you posted with any developments (although don't expect to see us on any stage of any kind at Glastonbury....)

@mr2cool and Henwrench - Mark, you got it right with the ELP reference. Paul is very Keith Emerson-ish, as you will hear on the other tracks I'll post. Henwrench got it right with some of the other influences. We sound a bit weird because Paul and Thom are both superlative musicians so when we started playing in 75 it was more prog rock and heavy rock covers we were doing (I struggled to keep up). But then I went punk and we went kind of punk/prog crossover, so short fairly frenetic songs but with some severe instrumental workouts. This song was written within a few weeks of me seeing the Damned live in Feb 77, so you can see where the influence came from!

More to come in a similar this space!




The mix sounds good to me Nigel, but I am only listening on PC speakers so you can take that for what it's worth.

The song is AWESOME regardless though! Reminds me of the "Monks" a little.
Way to bring back that 70's sound man!

Sounds like you guys can still really rock it out. Must have been fun to get back with your old mates.

Can't wait to hear the rest.
It ain't pretty being easy.

Okay to Cover


this is magic nigel blooming awesome link a punk rock elp yeah baby.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Great feel right out of the late seventies, still got lots of energy with that really spot on sound, would love to hear your other tracks.
Boss BR-80


Sounds flippin' great and over-the-top energy.  I'm especially enamored of the bass, but that goes for all of your recordings.

Crazy lead guitar tone.  Is that a comb filter?



Thanks guys, glad you're liking it. ORH, you are spot on - we were a kind of punk ELP! There are two more tracks on the way in a very similar vein, so there will be more to hear.

Blooby, the guitarist has a Kaoss pad built into his guitar - he hacked a Squier Jagmaster around and has a very similar setup to Matt Bellamy of Muse. The intro noises and the weird effects on the solo were all him playing with the Kaoss pad, so probably some very weird combination of effects.




I've been reading about mastering techniques in some home recording mags and decided to put what I learnt into practice. So I spent some time playing with the "Mix Down" mastering effect and used it to remaster "Screen Gems". This is the same mix just remastered and I think this version has more clarity, and also the vocals come through better. I've also hopefully got rid of any mid-boominess without losing all the bottom end.

LMK what you think compared to the original.



Tony W

Friggin WOW!

The second production really gave it a big kick. I'm glad to have found the re-post first, or I would have missed this completely.

The song is great the production is off the friggin hook. I don't know if it's me but the bass lines really stand out in the second one.

I'm a huge fan of this song. Where are the other 2? time released products? I gotta admit, I'm anxious to hear them.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


yea, no doubt about it, everything sounds cleaner, tighter and punchier. Good work fella! PSSST Wanna spill the beans, and post up your settings? Or is it classified Ferryman fiddling?  :D

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


This is great Nigel !!!  I listened to both recordings and this one is much more clean, clear, and pronounced!  This is a nice killer cruising tune - luv the guitar fx, flippin cooL - also that bass just rocks and keeps the song hoppin!!!

"Sometimes It's Not How Fast You Move, But How Soon You Get There" - Bruce Lee

Tools: Kramer Strat, LP Deluxe, Avalon 12-string, Ibanez Bass, Yamaha Keyboard, Micro BR, Riffworks, Line 6 UX2, & a little Ableton & Audacity for grins :~)