wav. file

Started by andbolguit, December 08, 2009, 12:49:36 PM

Once I've bounced my tracks down to two tracks and transferred them to the PC I seem to end up with a large file. 34megs, I'm trying to send it to a friend as an attachement, but it is to large. What am I doing wrong? I didn't see anything in the manual that explains the size of the files, or how to downsize them. Can someone help?


You're not doing anything wrong. Wave files contain uncompressed data to preserve the sound fidelity. If you want to email the song, you should create a copy of it in a compressed audio format such as MP3. You can do that with a program such as Audacity or Switch. An MP3 is generally about 1/10th the size of the WAV file (so, about 3.4MB in your case). There will be some loss of fidelity but, hopefully, it won't be too apparent.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


You can also export to MP3 directly on your MBR.

If you go through the "mastering" step (exit+utility twice from the regular mode) after you've bounced your tracks, the MBR will ask you if you want to export to .wav or .mp3 files in no less than three bitrates (64, 192 and 128 kbps). Just use the "+" and "-" buttons to change the format. Edit the filename through the "NAM" (TR3 button) choice on this screen. Exported tracks appear in the "mp3" directory of the SD card, accessible either directly through USB mass storage from the MBR's USB port or by reading the SD card in a reader.

You can also export individual tracks on the MBR by going pressing the "utility" button, then
TR2 ("TRK") -> cursor Right -> TR2 (EXP). This goes to a VTrack choice screen, and after you've selected your VTrack you get the same Export screen which shows at the end of mastering, where you can select the export "Type:" with the + / - keys.  This also allows you to export tracks without mastering or bouncing, which can be handy if you're doing "chess by mail" collaborations over the interwebs. Of course, if you're doing that kind of thing you probably *want* the .wav files.

The UI on the MBR is kind of a bear, but I reckon it's not too bad for 2 lines of display and 21 buttons. After all, Audacity has a 72-key keyboard and a mouse. No wonder it's easier to understand. 

Hope this wasn't TMI, but I've just meself figured out the evil UI on these amazing little boxen.