Problems when saving song

Started by Foona, November 08, 2009, 02:15:50 AM


I recently got a BR-600 and I have some problems saving songs.
what i have done: created a new song, made a new drum kit [toneload],
changed tempo and I also recorded some "stuff" using a mic.

The unit saves automatically but to be shure I use the [STOP] - [REC]
command. And in doing so the unit tells me it is saving data.
But, after restarting my unit the drum kit is changed to default along with
the tempo.

In the manual under section "Saving the Current Settings to the Song
(Song Save)
" one can read:

Quote from: BOSS BR-600 ManualThe BR-600 can save the following contents as song data.
• Recorded data
• Mixer settings (Pan, Track EQ, etc.)
• Insert Effect song patches
• Mastering Tool Kit song patches
• Pitch Correction Song Patches and Correction Event Maps
• Rhythm Arrangements / Rhythm Patterns
• Loop Effects
• Tones from the Song Kit and imported with Tone Load
• Utility (For a detailed explanation, refer to
"Parameter List" (p. 210).)

These recorded data or mixer settings are not saved
immediately after recording, but are saved when songs are
saved, and when the screens are switched.

Ordinarily, if a situation calls for it, a message appears in
the display prompting you to confirm that you want to save
the data, so you need not pay particular attention to this,
but if you want to save the settings to the song in its current
state, use the following procedure.

1 Hold down [STOP] and press [REC].

Eventhough I perform the save command, unit resets tempo and drum
kit to default. Only thing saved is my recorded "mic stuff".
What am I missing here?



FNA - Welcome to the Forum. I may be slightly wrong with this, as I don't have the Br600, but I'm presuming that All Brs work in the same way. I think what has to happen, and certainly with the 1200, is that you have to save your drum rhythm etc to the song you're creating, because the drum sequence etc is created separate from the rest of the song, and therefore has to be incorporated into the particular song you're creating. Er, well it's something along those lines. I'm sure others with the same machine as you will be able to help you more.

Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


Hello SteveB and thank you for your reply.

I haven't understood yet how to "incorporate" DIY kits etc into my song project.
I was hoping for something simple and hands on like "save to..", but this doesen't
seem to be the case. Still looking though.
The part with the ever re-setting tempo is very very irritating.


Drum patterns are only meant as building blocks to create your own drum arrangements. So, the BR doesn't remember the tempo or drum kit settings for Pattern Mode. But, in Arrangement Mode, the BR will remember the tempo and drum kit. So just create a simple arrangement for each song.


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